Thursday 25 July 2013



John C. Ryle was the first Protestant, Anglican, Bishop of Liverpool. He was a staunch contender for the Evangelical Protestant faith and prolific writer. Many of his books are still in print. His commentaries on the 4 gospels are highly recommended, especially on John's gospels where extensive notes accompany his own insights. He was one of those gifted writers who could write simply yet powerfully. 
"Still, for all this, I will never shrink from saying that the cause for which Toplady contended all his life was decidedly the cause of God's truth. He was a bold defender of Calvinistic views about election, predestination, perseverance, human impotency, and irresistible grace. On all these subjects I hold firmly that Calvin's theology is much more scriptural  than the theology of Arminius. In a word, I believe that Calvinistic divinity is the divinity of the Bible, of Augustine, and of the Thirty Nine Articles of our own church, and of the Scots Confession of Faith." 
(Christian Leaders of the 18th Century - Toplady and his ministry)

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