Spurgeon: One of England's greatest Protestant preachers |
"After all, there is a Protestantism still worth contending for; there is a Calvinism still worth proclaiming, and a gospel worth dying for."
See here for my introductory page to this project on Spurgeon’s Protestantism. This is a major ongoing work. I thought it best, at least, to get it started. Currently up to Vol 34 of his sermons.
How these sermons are referenced: (1:106) refers to the first volume of CHS sermons and the page numbered 106. The usual manner of referencing a Spurgeon sermon is to give the Volume number and the sermon number also. However in a work this size, such would lead to a great increase in the already heavy workload. Also note: Messages by other preachers were included in the MTP Vol 7 which included references to the Protestant faith. Although Spurgeon was present and had editorial jurisdiction over what was printed, yet ultimately these were not his statements. They have not been included here, although it is evident that he was in full agreement with them. Also, some of the comments below are effectively paraphrases for the sake of time and space, yet (upon inspection) they will be seen to be accurate of Spurgeon’s sentiment. Readers are advised to consult the original sources before quoting.
"After all, there is a Protestantism still worth contending for; there is a Calvinism still worth proclaiming, and a gospel worth dying for."
See here for my introductory page to this project on Spurgeon’s Protestantism. This is a major ongoing work. I thought it best, at least, to get it started. Currently up to Vol 34 of his sermons.
How these sermons are referenced: (1:106) refers to the first volume of CHS sermons and the page numbered 106. The usual manner of referencing a Spurgeon sermon is to give the Volume number and the sermon number also. However in a work this size, such would lead to a great increase in the already heavy workload. Also note: Messages by other preachers were included in the MTP Vol 7 which included references to the Protestant faith. Although Spurgeon was present and had editorial jurisdiction over what was printed, yet ultimately these were not his statements. They have not been included here, although it is evident that he was in full agreement with them. Also, some of the comments below are effectively paraphrases for the sake of time and space, yet (upon inspection) they will be seen to be accurate of Spurgeon’s sentiment. Readers are advised to consult the original sources before quoting.
Note: Spurgeon often referred positively to Wordsworth's old maxim that "The Bible only is the religion of Protestants" but later had cause to doubt and even deny it as the Pusseyite movement invaded the COE and brought in many Popish errors.
THEORETICALLY TRUE: 1:380/1:280/3:100/4:603/5:611/both 9:83/33:291/
PRACTICALLY UNTRUE: 10:401/17:195/"a terrible lie" 19:454/22:892/28:260/29:184/30:868/
CHS encountering a double minded Protestant man (1:106) In some
countries, your Protestantism can only be held w/ bated breath (1:117)
Only when Protestantism comes, that there can be freedom (1:17) Turning
from Catholicism to Protestantism is not salvation (1:197) All sections
of Protestant Christians have a remnant according to the election of
grace (1:210) Now, my hearers, “the Bible alone is the religion of
Protestants:” but whenever I find a certain book much held in reverence
by our Episcopalian brethren, entirely on my side, I always feel the
greatest delight in quoting from it. (1:280) “The Bible, the whole
Bible, and nothing but the Bible,” is still the religion of Protestants;
and the selfsame truth which moved the lips of Chrysostom, the old
doctrine that ravished the heart of Augustine, the old faith which
Athanasius declared, the good old doctrine that Calvin preached, is our
gospel now, and God helping us, we will stand by it till we die. How
will ye quench it? If ye wish to do it, where can ye find the means? It
is not in your power. Aha! aha! aha! we laugh you to scorn.” (1:380)
Paedo Baptists not the majority in Protestant Christiandom (1:380) There
are true Protestant churches standing now that have made unholy
alliances with governments. (1:521) No consistent Protestant can hold
Christmas to be sacred (2:47) There can be merit mongering even among
Protestants (2:158) Even the worse Protestant denomination has a few in
Sardis (2:192) Pleased CHS to read the Puritans were the most zealous
Protestants in the nation (2:221) Told an ancedote of persecuted
Protestants in Switzerland (2:631) Reference to Protestant Church
persecuting Benjamin Keach (3:13) God has given to the people of England
such a bold Protestant spirit (3:73) Pusseyism a threat to “our
Protestantism” (3:73) Roman priests now preaching as good a sermon as
some (compromising) Protestant ministers who do not bring out the
anglar parts of “our Protestant religion” (3:73) Justification by faith
only is the doctrine of all Protestant churches, although some may not
preach it (3:261) “Ireland is a disgrace to the Protestant church. Why
do not they go and preach there?” (3:332) Protestantism in England would
have been aroused if Protestant missionaries had been killed in Ireland
(3:332) Used “the commencement of Protestantism” as the starting point
concerning Evangelical preaching in England (3:437) Reference to the
massacre of Protestants in Ireland in 1641 (3:494) Complained that some
Protestant ministers would not make helpful translation changes in the
Bible (AV?) to evangelise (3:619) Described Pusseyism as a terrible
plague spot on the Protestant church (4:40) Wanted neither Pusseyites or
the Devil in Protestant Church (4:40) The “old faith of the Protestant
Church” (4:100) “But we have even in Protestant churches too much
priestcraft.” (4:300) “Certain it is that wherever you find
Protestantism, you find liberty, and wherever you leave Protestantism
behind you, you begin to feel the yoke, and to hear the groans of the
oppressed.” (4:333) Slavery is not the natural effect of our Protestant
religion (4:333) Rhetorically answers sinner who claims to be true
Protestant (4:481) If COE does not get rid of the Confessional, she will
cease to be a Protestant church (4:714) Astonished at the want of
earnestness that there is in the Protestantism of the present age
(5:348) The Protestants; and the Protestantism of England is the
pay-master of the Pope. (5:349) Take heed ye Protestants of England
(5:349) Hoped that many a Protestant would die with the words which a
dying monk took on his deathbed (5:411) Those who trust in man to save
them have no place in a Protestant Assembly (5:461) Protestant
Christians coming out from the trammels of Rome (5:589) Loyalty to the
throne among Protestant Dissenters (5:612) Claimed Baptist churches did
not originate in Protestantism but preceded them (6:121/7:412/) RC’s in
Dublin listened to God’s word as well as Protestants (6:155)
Inconsistent English Protestants in Paris did much damage (6:402)
Protestantism divided in a certain mission field did much harm (6:403)
“Much of Popish superstition and idolatry has passed under my
observation, and if nothing else could make me a Protestant, what I have
seen would do so.” (European travels) (6:468) “We Protestants” can have
too much doctrine and not enough of a personal relationship w/ Christ
(6:468) Protestant Lutherans had gone back to Rome- but not Calvinists
(6:544) Unutterable disgrace that Antwerp Protestant burnt Popish
candles (6:657) “Never did I feel my Protestant feelings boiling over so
tremendously, as in this city of idols, for I am not an outrageous
Protestant generally…” (6:657) Political alliances of England: “We must
look to a Protestant country to stand by us, and not to a Romish land.”
(6:657-658) “The fact is, it is only a combination of free and
Protestant states that can be of lasting use, and a cordial alliance
with Romish and despotic powers is a dream and a delusion.” (6:659) In
the name of our Protestant religion, I ask whether a minister of the
Church of England is allowed to bow before the altar of a Popish church?
(6:667) The old motto of the early Protestants was an anvil, because”
the Church” said they, “is an anvil that has broken many hammers.”
(7:143) Communion held in Met Tab w/ various Protestant bodies to denote
“the Oneness of the Church” (7:248) Still a strong tendency to priest
craft in Protestant countries (7:282) Baptists persecuted by Romanists
and Protestants alike (7:412/7:1039) Controversy between the Protestant
and the Romanist is more vital than that between the Calvinist and
Arminian (7:545) Vicar of Bray type Protestants in the days of Bloody
Mary (7:723/11:665) “You know among Protestants there is a great deal of
popery.” (7:884) One thing to be a Protestant in doctrine but not yet
saved (7:1005/10:122) Protestant in name but relying on Papist doctrine
of good works (7:1074) Spoke of man who was a Protestant in England, a
RC in Rome and a Muslim in Mecca (8:174) Although England was a
Protestant country, yet enough merit mongers (8:180) CHS sermons in many
“Protestant languages” (8:689) Protestant statesman refusing gifts from
the Pope (8:743) Tolerate things from Protestants which cannot be
tolerated from Scripture (9:83) Let our Proterstant churches which have
some Popery in them purge themselves (9:233) Protestants need to protest
for what is right as well as against what is wrong – otherwise nobodies
(9:254) Protestants should not quarrell with Papist picture of Eransmus
hanging between Heaven and Hell (9:506) Protestant could be hotheads
(10:7) Protestant churches now tolerating Popery and infidelity (10:198)
many superstitious performances even in Protestant churches (10:299)
Unaware of any Protestant Church in England teaching Baptismal
Regeneration except the COE (10:390) COE (teaching BR) calls itself
Protestant (10:392) – an atrocious situation (10:401) Day coming when
there would be no union w/ those professing to be Protestant yet
teaching Popery (10:407) The Protestant Bi-Gott story (10:463) COE is
“dressed in garments half Protestant and half Popish.” (10:497) The
Catholics who persecuted Protestants during Bloody Mary’s reign were
cannibals (10:506) Address the “sturdy Protestant of England” how long
he will tolerate Pusseyism in the National Church (10:680) In “many parts of the earth Protestantism is openly acknowledged, and the gospel is preached” (10:737)
Being a Protestant doesn’t make you a Christian (10:867) Knew a
Protestant who opposed use of Crosses etc., but committed fornication
(11:100) CHS describes himself as a "true Protestant" (11:294) Wicked
Protestants who believe in Limbo (11:305) 1859 Revival in Ulster saved
stolid Protestants (11:339) Polished sermons can hide the gospel from
Protestants (11:387)Wrong to say that being Protestant automatically
makes you Christian (12:14) Protestants may oppose Pusseyism - but do
you oppose your own tears or baptism as the way to God? (12:353) Saw
Romanist Juan De Yaldes, as a "good Protestant for all that" (12:408)
Doctrines of grace are in all sorts of Protestant creeds, yet little
preached (12:527) COE has ceased to be Protestant (12:553) Never was a
day when Protestantism trembled in the scales than CHS's day (12:668)
Seemed that the vocation of some Anglican ministers was to show the
patience of an Anglican country (12:668) "He who hopes that the battle
of Protestantism will be fought by the [COE] Evangelicals, trusts in a
broken reed." (12:761) Popery usurping the place of Protestantism
(12:777) Time has gone when you would have said that England being a
Protestant country would not tolerate Popery (12:860) Infant Baptistism
maintaining Popery in COE (13:154) Some turned to Protestantism but not
to Christ (13:227) Romanist infiltrating Protestant Churches (13:291)
Old Protestant motto of the church being the anvil that has wore out
the hammers (13:348) Admired the courage of those who stood up for Rome
in face of Protestantism and those who stood for protestantism in the
face of Rome (13:420) On unbloody sacrifices: "What right have they to
eat the bread of a Protestant people while doing the Pope’s work?"
(13:473) Address those who are Evangelical Protestant in doctrine but
lax in morals (13:518)Example of a Protestant betrayed by someone he had
helped (14:385) Melanthon’s efforts to stop Protestant infighting
(14:481) “True Protestantism does not live upon political favouritism or
national supremacy.” (14:549) Opposition to those who were in
Protestant churches and yet called themselves “priests” (14:569) “We
cannot hope, in this England of ours, to see restored to us the purity
of the gospel until Protestants cleanse themselves of this
Antichristian, Popish belief and reverence for our postures, and places,
and men, and days, and books, and I know not what beside.” (14:648) Sad
that a sturdy Protestant family be led away into Pusseyism (14:748)
Marvelled that in a Protestant sect there should rise up a dogma as
villainous as purgatory (15:15) The Protestantism of Luther generally
unknown in England even among church goers (15:118) COE’s Popish
catechism causing the Protestant land to become Popish (15:305) Peace
with god is not found through the mere reception of a Protestant (and
others) creed (15:529) England was an “exceedingly Protestant country”
and yet salvation by works was the accepted creed (15:642) In the last
16 years, the COE had gone from being generally Protestant to become
generally Popish - effectively two Roman churches in England (16:458)
Godly men in the COE were protecting those who bore a Protestant name
but were doing the Pope's work (16:458) Quoted the Irishman who talked
about becoming a Protestant heretic and going to Heaven at once (16:574)
Protestants in Perugia accused by RC priest as having renounced Christ
and worshipped the Devil. How God overruled it (17:88) "After all, there
is a Protestantism still worth contending for; there is a Calvinism
still worth proclaiming, and a gospel worth dying for." (17:250) "I
trust I am as ardent a Protestant as any man living, but I know too many
red-hot Protestants who are but little better than Romanists..."
(17:540) Agreed with zealous Protestants but warned that many an
othordox Protestant would be lost (17:540) Answered one who mocked that
Protestantism was small and would never dominate the world (17:698) If
Protestants are free from Mary worship, they are often guilty of another
error i.e. ministering unto ourselves (17:840) The slaughter of the
Protestants in France (18:121) Men who eat Protestant bread teaching
Popish doctrine (18:335) Men in London who attended Protestant churches
yet horrified at the doctrine of justification by faith alone (18:365) Described himself as Protestant lamenter watching Anglican Popery at work (19:62) "Therefore, let every Englishman, let every Protestant, and, above all, let every Christian, denounce priestcraft of every sort..." (19:128) "the work of reformers and of Protestants must now be done over again." (19:259) Liberalism would not have given us the Protestant Reformation (19:328) Christians watched "our Protestant forefathers" die as martyrs to learn how it was done (19:367) The bulwarks of Protestantism were men who preached Jesus Christ and nothing else (19:685) Spiritual pauper who ascribed to crotchet of Protestantism, yet felt he could have scored high in reagrds to his own self righteousness (19:770) "...if Protestant Christians ever fall into the idea that are must not think too much of the blood and wounds of Jesus, they will lose the richest spiritual sustenance, and we shall cease to have eminent saints among us." (19:805) Professing Protestants who believe in self salvation (19:827) Self salvation Protestants lower God (19:837) Protestant priciple stops people from beoing Papists (20:8) COE is an un-protestant church (20:70) "Our bold Protestant forefathers were of a different breed from the present race of temporizing professors." (20:70) The Protestant who refused to bow before Cross and said "By God I wont" became a "bigot" (20:71) A Protestant could rest on his Bible or prayers and not be saved (20:406) Answered a Bishop who thought that much Protestant theology came from milton and Bunyan rather than the Bible (20:494) The "old Protestant enthusiasm" etc., is an indivinity evidence of the divinity of our faith (20:558) The "great Protestant doctrine" ... and "the grand Protestant doctrine" is that you come to God yourself (20:586) "I believe that the bulwark of Protestantism against Popery is family worship." (20:628) Some Protestants spared immediate death by Duke/Alva only to be slowly starved (21:187) Defended Moody and Sanky who "they preach nothing but what has the general consent of Protestant Christendom." (21:422) Moody and Sanky's attackers probably glory in their Protestant faith while they hooted at its central doctrine i.e. justification by faith (21:422) "The contest lies really between the Popish doctrine of merit and the Protestant doctrine of grace, and no man who calls himself a Protestant can logically dispute the question with us and our friends." (21:422) Those who attacked Moody and Sanky attacked "our common Protestantism" (21:423) COE was a so called Protestant church (21:599) Spurgeon's Baptist forefathers: "Our sires were Protestants before the Protestants." (21:746) Would people have embraced Popery "had they been fully instructed in the doctrines of our Protestant faith? I do not believe it would have been possible." (21:763) Thanked God for the Protestant Reformation when doctrine of justification by faith alone was revived again at Reformation and preached long after (22:137) A man could be a firm Protestant and not love Christ (22:160) "How quickly does this recreant race of Protestant people swallow their principles." (22:298) "this once Protestant land" (22:674) Protestants who are flinging away their liberties as cheap dirt will rue the day (22:800) Vatican sneers at Protestantism with her divisions (23:28) Protestantism is losing its sap and soul i.e. justification by faith alone (23:214) Bohemia thought they had kept down Protestantism, but religious freedom shows how much they failed (23:387) Protestants were devoured in England by [Bloody] Mary and Charles as by wolves (23:596) "I fear that the ancient power of Protestantism has evaporated through the influence of those who hold loose views upon inspiration, and who are busy manufacturing new gospels instead of preaching the old one which is already in the word." (23:631) Family prayer is the castle of Protestantism (24:68) Protestants forsaking the Reformation truth of justifcation by faith alone b/c it is too gracious (24:113) "Justification by faith is the one doctrine upon which all Protestantism turns" (24:113/25:735) Praising those who held fast when many in Mary's day turned from Protestantism to Popery (24:421) Opposed those who were ordered by the state to build a Protestant church are dismantling it (24:451) "What have we to do with giving either a Protestant or a Catholic sense to Scripture? Is it not our duty to give the true sense, be it what it may?" (24:685) "Protestantism may slumber, but I will warrant you Jesuitism never does." (24:833) On modernism and ecumenism: “O foolish Galatians!” said Paul. O silly Protestants! I am inclined to say." (24:854/26:494) This land...where we boast of our open Bible and our Protestant pulpit." (25:178) Protestants condemning Rome for speaking the mass in another language yet delivering flowery sermons over the people's heads (25:236) Being a Romanist or A Protestant or a Baptist cannot save you (25:690) Story of persecuted Protestant who said that he could not burn - but his house caught fire (26:520) Protestant and RC's are neightbours (26:791) Anabaptist martyrs before Protestants were heard or thought of (26:798) Ecumencial Protestant ministers who face towards Canterbury but row towards Rome (27:151) Look again at the triumph of Protestantism in this country - balmy days (27:318) Rome has perecuted Protestants and Protestants persecuted one another (27:356) How the Protestant missionaries in the South Seas had taught their people to withstand error (27:356) By God's grace as ready as "our Protestant forefathers" to seal faith with blood (28:694) Heaven or Hel lafter death and no purgatory - the "cornerstone of Protestantism"(28:733)Ancedote of an Italian asked if he was a Protestant (29:46) Some "so called Protestants" puffed up with the hope of salvation by formal religion (29:119)"What Protestant can refuse to love the holy Bernard? Was there ever a more consecrated servant of God or a dearer lover of Christ than he? Yet he was most sorrowfully in bondage to the superstitions of his age and of the Romish Church." (29:247) "Martyrdom made England a Protestant nation for so many years. (29:303) CHS would not say England was Protestant now (27:303) Some Protestants preaching purgatory (29:332) Conversion of an Irish Catholic lad in ireland through Protestant minister (29:733) Popish doctrine that few can be sure of their salvation lingers in the air of Protestantism (30:516) Many relics of the Roman harlot found among so called Protestants (30:589) Scripture alone Protestants: "I should like to see a few more such Protestants" (30:868) "How often since the days of Cromwell Rome has been allowed to dim the light of our Protestantism, and how it labors to do so still!" (31:417) Popish spies sent to gather evidence from sermons of Protestant divines were sometimes converted (31:451) Some of the Popish murderers of Protestants though they were doing God service (32:327) Some Protestant ornaments in worship (32:469) Angry at sight of crosses in Protestant churches (33:556) Wished England would copy the Swiss Protestant villagers who displayed Scripture on their door posts (33:752) Preach to all the people. Popish doctrine of reserve must not be held among Protestants (34:495) St Paul's cathedral called Protestant but is as Popish as it can be (34:582) So called Protestants setting up Popery in national churches (34:583) Britain's Protestant Christianity is why, under God, she has such eminence (35:341) Non protesting Protestants is bad (35:762) Fulcrum of Protestantism is the infallibility of Scripture alone (36:807) Commended Protestant pulpits for always emphasising justification by faith alone (37:428) Family prayer and the pulpit are the bulwarks of Protestantism (37:609) The Smithfield fires showed Protestantism meant heroism (38:76) true, good, Protestant Bible doctrine (40:483 ) "us Protestants" apt to slight Mary as a reaction (40:828) England's greatness lies in her Protestantism (44:218)
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