Monday 3 February 2014

recent apps


 I downloaded some great apps for my mobile phone recently which didn't cost me one single brown penny. 

1) Daily Light

Samuel Bagster's collection of themed verses. I find this especially helpful for fuelling my prayer times. The adverts at the bottom can be distracting though. If I thought the app provider (Tap Tap Studios) would do an edition free of any advertising then I would purchase it. The lay out of the app is nice.

2) The Believer's Hymnbook

This is a Plymouth Brethren production. I still have my wee blue hard copy from my time in the Iron Hall Assembly in Belfast over 30 years ago. This is a very devotional hymnbook, suited particularly for use around the Lord's Table. It contains a great hymn (#30) which we often sang and which I have never found in any other hymnbook:

Behold, behold the Lamb of God,
On the cross, on the cross!
He sheds for you his precious blood
On the cross, on the cross!
O hear his all important cry,
"Eli, lama sabachthani;"
Draw near and see your Savior die
On the cross, on the cross!

I think it was very ingenious of the author getting the very Aramaic words of the Saviour into the metre.  I see from here that there are several more verses to the hymn than appear in the BH.

I had downloaded the app with Gadsby's hymns (A famous Strict and Particular Baptist writer) but it took up too much room and wouldn't transfer to the memory card. So I'll stick with the Brethren compilation. Again, an aid for the devotional side of things. I'll have to look to see if I can get the Metric Psalms on it as well.

3) Calvin's Institutes 

Strangely this appears as an app rather than a book. It contains over 900 pages but takes up very little MB space on the phone. Always nice to have some Calvin round me. #NoFluffStuffHere! 

Of course, I have a whole host of other apps too. I have a Bible app for stealing (redeeming?) an odd moment when out and about with the KJV on it. On a side note, I seem to prefer the black background with white print for reading.


  1. Twitter response:

  2. Have you a favourite Bible App? I've been using Olive Tree - with a name like that I'd assume you'd love it... :-)

  3. Hi Samuel :o) I use the YouVersion of the Bible. I haven't try any others, working on the well proved principal that if it isn't broken, then don't fix it.


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