Thursday 30 October 2014

Scripture Class

A few weeks ago, I was asked to teach the Scripture class in Clogher Valley Free Presbyterian Independent Christian School where my son attends. He will be in my class of 12-14 year olds of about 8-9 pupils. I start this incoming Monday after the half term break. It is a challenge on two fronts:

1)  I have never taught in the classroom setting before. The ethos is academic rather than evangelistic. IOW: I am teaching in a school rather than taking the Youth Fellowship. So we can hardly end the lesson by singing "Just as I am without one plea"  

2) The age group. I do take children's meetings where those up to that age come along. The questions you ask usually deal with last week's lesson e.g. "What did Zaccheus do in order to see Jesus?"and "Who is the only one who can forgive you for all your sins?"  I also teach in the Brookboro Youth Fellowship those from around 18 years and up. So this age group, falling as it does in between the two others, will doubtless be a challenge. 

I am looking forward to it. A few years ago, the minister of the congregation took the class of his day through John's Gospel and prepared a series of lessons on it. I think I will lean heavily on his work, although with a few adaptations so that I can get settled in. 

In one of my handouts, I am including this testimony from George Verwer which always encourages me when I read it:

“When I was fourteen years old, I received through the post a Gospel of John sent by a dear Christian lady who believed that God answers prayer and who believed in the power of the gospel in printed form. For two years, I read that booklet regularly until at an evangelistic meeting, I was born again.”
It was with the Scripture class in mind that I posted this article a few weeks ago. Ignore the controversial part for now, and see how missionary, Jock Purves got on when he started a Scripture class among Muslim boys in the Khyber Pass.

It was through doing Religion Education for an exam ('O' Level) that I came to know the Lord as my Saviour. The teacher took us through the Gospel according to Luke and we did 'Christian themes' as it known then i.e. what the Bible said on various subjects. I finally got an 'A' in that subject in the exam. The School Prinicipal answered the phone when I rang up for my results, and I remember him suggesting I had gotten Divine help :o)

So that's where I am at nearly 40 years on. My own RE class.


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