Friday 29 January 2021

All day long fear of the Lord message

Let not thine heart envy sinners: but be thou in the fear of the LORD all the day long. (Proverbs 23:17)

There are two ways in which a man may fear the LORD.

[i] With a trembling fear that causes great distress and anxiety that cannot be soothed

This is the fear that the wicked dead will display when summonsded from the grave to meet God: Revelation 20:12-15. Revelation 6:14-16

Wicked mean show little fear when God is not in all their thoughts and they can live ungodly in this world

But when God summons them from their wicked grave, it is another matter.

Such a fear is entirely rational and apt for the wicked dead. Time to reap what they have sown.

[ii] A wholesome and beneficial fear  - a deep respect and reverence

The way a child loves/respects his father - or a  man respects a great person whose ways are always just and perfect.

Such is the fear/text. Not merely an OT exhortation, but a NT one as well: 1 Peter 2:18

Such a fear was readily dispalyed by the NT church: Acts 5:31

Our text gives a general command along with a specific addition: "All the day long"

A very simple outline:


A/ Another day has dawned: Well rested and you rise from your bed.

A golden opportunity to get off to a good and steady start for the day.

Opportunity to store up spiritual strength for the unknown day ahead.

Make the time to:

[i] Read God’s word. If you have lost appreciation for your Bible: Reread Psalm 119

[ii] Pray to God. Commit your way unto the Lord: Command and the promise (Psalm 37:5)

“The Bible is a book, in comparison with which, all others in my eyes are of minor importance; which in all my perplexities and distresses has never failed to give me light and strength.” (General Robert E. Lee)

Start each day alright. They say that your breakfast is the most important meal/day.

B/ Take the same principle for your life. Boys and girls and young adults

Perhaps the early warning/text is especially apt to you i.e. your heart envying sinners.

Outward eye sees sinners seeming to have all the joys. No yoke or cross to bear.

Know nothing of the reproach of Christ. Enjoy the pub/Sabbath breaking etc.

Yet it is not without the best/reasons that God says: Let not your heart envy sinners.

Your heart is the great citadel: v7 and again 4:23

The fear of the Lord will keep things in perspective.

You will not miss out on real and lasting joy: Psalm 128:1


 A/ I once saw a goods train in the USA that took 10 minutes to pass. Engine at the front pulling and one at the back pushing. But there was also one in the middle doing both.

In the eastern countries, the noon time was the hardest part of the day. In Matthew 20:12 the labourers spoke of it as the time to bear the burden and heat of the day.

Early strength and zeal can quickly flag. Fresh pressures can be added to any earlier ones. This is not the time to forsake the fear of the Lord.

B/ It will be a good thing to sanctify your meal time.

Arrange your Bible readings so that you can (even for a few minutes) read and meditate upon your Bible. Or make use of a 365 daily devotional reading book: Daily Light. Spurgeon – many others have been arranged: McCheyne, Ryle etc.

Interesting incident in the life of  Jonathan. Weary in the midst of the battle, he spied a honeycomb and ate some and his eyes were enlightened. He perked up. God’s word is likened to honey: Psalm 19:10

C/ Bigger picture: Middle age. Usually associated with the word crisis.

People tend to reflect and often become conscious of past failures. Missed their goals in life with little chance of recovery. Have to settle for less. Can be anxious time.

No wonder Habakkuk prayed that the Lord would revive them in the midst of the years.

Sometimes we have to simply forget the things that are behind and press on towards the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. You can only do that when walking in the fear of the LORD.


A/ As the sun is setting and the clock is moving on.

Maybe this is a good time to reflect and thank God for all His mercies and benefits towards you.  Easy to forget. 9/10 lepers were healed and forgot to thank God.

Think back over particular providences during the day. Remember; The steps of a good man (God fearer) are ordered by the Lord. Much is done behind the scenes – but should we observe something, then acknowledge the hand of the Lord. Make it fuel for your bed time prayers.

B/ Such will help you sleep well. Are you not the apple of God’s eye? Are you not engraven in His hands? Is it not well with your soul? Many a soul will toss and turn in their beds. Will you not sleep the sleep of the just?

C/ Bigger picture: Old Age. Brings its own problems. I have never heard any pensioner say that were enjoying old age. Infirmity- widowhood – loneliness. But it still a good time to be the fear of the Lord. God has specific promises for old age: Isaiah 46:4

Retirement should give us more time to fear and enjoy the Lord.

The setting sun of life brings us nearer to the time when we will forsake our earthly homes.

V18 says that there is an end and our expectation shall not be cut off. What a great promise that attends to our exhortation to be in the fear of the Lord all the day long.




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