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George Whitefield preaching 'Whosoever will' |
Evidence from the writings of the most eminent Calvinists reveals they
believed that the offer of salvation through Jesus Christ is to be made
to every individual sinner without any exceptions. The quotes below will suffice
to prove the point i.e. that orthodox Calvinism has always believed
in the free, indiscriminate offer of the gospel both to elect and non
elect alike.
ALBERT BARNES (19th Century American
Presbyterian Commentator whose commentaries were recommended by
Spurgeon. Only a 4 point Calvinist, denying the particular aspect of
the Atonement.)
"Whoever hears the gospel, let
him go and invite others to come. Nothing could more strikingly set
forth the freeness of the invitation of the gospel than this. The
authority to make the invitation is not limited to the ministers of
religion, it is not even confined to those who accept it themselves.
All persons, even though they should not accept of it, are authorised
to tell others that they may be saved. One impenitent sinner may go and
tell another impenitent sinner that if he will he may find mercy and
enter heaven. How could the offer of salvation be made more freely to
mankind?…the invitation is freely made to all to come and be
saved. With what more appropriate truth could a revelation from heaven
be closed?" (Commentary on Revelation 22:17)
LOUIS BERKHOF (20th Century American Presbyterian Theologian)
"We believe that God "unfeignedly,"
that is, sincerely or in good faith, calls all those who are living
under the gospel to believe, and offers them salvation in the way of
faith and repentance…The offer of salvation in the way of faith
and repentance does not pretend to be a revelation of the secret
counsel of God, more specifically, of His design in giving Christ as an
atonement for sin. It is simply the promise of salvation of all those
who accept Christ by faith. This offer, in so far as it is universal,
is always conditioned by faith and conversion. Moreover it is
contingent on a faith and repentance such as can only be wrought in the
heart of man by the operation of the Holy Spirit. The universal offer
of salvation does not consist in the declaration that Christ made
atonement for every man that hears the gospel, and that God really
intends to save each one… It is not the duty of the preacher to
harmonise the secret counsel of God respecting the redemption of
sinners with His declarative will as expressed in the universal offer
of salvation. He is simply an official ambassador, whose duty it is to
carry out the will of the Lord in preaching the gospel to all men
indiscriminately… " (Systematic Theology BOT p.397-398)
LORRAINE BOETTNER (20th Century American Presbyterian Theologian. Famous for his definitive work on Roman Catholicism)
"The decree of election is a secret
decree. And since no revelation has been given to the preacher as to
which ones among his hearers are elect and which are non elect, it is
not possible for him to present the Gospel to the elect only. It is his
duty to look with hope on all those to whom he is preaching, and to
pray for them that they may each be among the elect. In order to offer
the message to the elect, he must offer it to all; and the Scripture
command is plain to the effect that it should be offered to all. Even
the elect must hear before they can believe and accept, Romans
10:13-17" (Reformed Doctrine of Predestination. Eerdmans p.285)
HORATIO BONAR (19th Century Scottish Presbyterian. Pastor, author and hymn writer. Great soulwinner. Defended DL Moody in Scotland and claimed "seldom have I heard the doctrine of the divine purpose in election more unreservedly and unequivocally stated than by Mr Moody.")
"Yet we honestly subscribe the
Westminster Confession. We believe in Christ's redemption of His chosen
Church; in the efficacy of His blood and the perfection of His
righteousness. We believe in human impotence, in the bondage of the
human will, in the enmity of the human heart to God. We believe in the
sovereignty of Jehovah, and His eternal purpose. We believe in the
absolute necessity of the Holy Spirit's work, alike before and after
conversion. At the same time we preach a free and world wide gospel; we
proclaim a free and world-wide invitation to sinners; we present to
every sinner a gracious welcome to Christ, without any preliminary
qualification whatsoever. We bid no man wait till he has ascertained
his own election, or can produce evidence of regeneration, or
sufficient repentance, or deep conviction. We tell every man, as he is,
to go to the Saviour this moment, assured that he will not be cast out
or sent away." (The Old Gospel booklet, reproduced in: Evangelism: A
Reformed Debate reprinted by the James Begg Society p.56)
WILLIAM A BRAKEL (17th Century Dutch Theologian)
There is a general and unconditional
declaration to all, that is, to him who thirsts, who is without money,
and who wills (Isa. 55:1–2; John 7:37; Rev. 22:17). He who
neither wills nor is thirsty will refrain from coming. This is his own
doing and he will be responsible, having been invited and having heard
this general calling. Since many reject the gospel, it is necessarily
offered to them, for whatever is not offered cannot be rejected. "It
was necessary that the Word of God should first have been spoken to
you: but seeing ye put it from you, and judge yourselves unworthy of
everlasting life, lo, we turn to the Gentiles" (Acts 13:46). Many are
disobedient to the gospel (2 Th. 1:8), and are disobedient to the Son
(John 3:36). It thus follows that Christ was offered to them and they
were commanded to believe in Christ. (The Christian's Reasonable
CHARLES BRIDGES (18th Century Church of England Evangelical Minister and author. Noted for his commentaries on Psalm 119, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes.)
"The call is unfettered: not to
devils, but to men: not to the righteous, but to the sons of men. Every
child, therefore, of guilty Adam has his name in the warrant. It is the
proclamation of the gospel 'to every creature' (Mark 16:15) Wherever
the word reaches, the offer is made. Wherever a lost sinner be found on
this side of the grave, the free welcome of the Gospel meets him. If he
is not saved, he is more lost than ever. The ruin lies at his own
door.(Matthew 23:37)" (Comments on Proverbs 8:4 BOT p.73)
THOMAS BROOKS (English Puritan writer)
"The Lord Jesus Christ is offered
most freely, and without exception of any person, every Sabbath, every
sermon, either in plain and direct terms, or implyedly at the least."
(Instructions for a Right Comforting of Afflicted Consciences, 1640, p.
"Now, pray tell me, what preparations or qualifications have these Laodiceans to entertain Christ? Surely none; for they were lukewarm, they were "neither hot nor cold", they were "wretched and miserable and poor, and blind, and naked", and yet Christ, to shew his free grace and his condescending love, invites the very worst of sinners to open to him, though they were no ways so and so prepared or qualified to entertain him." Sermon on Revelation 3:20 Works, Vol. 2, p. 77)
"Now, pray tell me, what preparations or qualifications have these Laodiceans to entertain Christ? Surely none; for they were lukewarm, they were "neither hot nor cold", they were "wretched and miserable and poor, and blind, and naked", and yet Christ, to shew his free grace and his condescending love, invites the very worst of sinners to open to him, though they were no ways so and so prepared or qualified to entertain him." Sermon on Revelation 3:20 Works, Vol. 2, p. 77)
"The Lord does not in all the
Scriptures require such and such preparations and qualifications before
men come to Christ, before they believe in Christ, or entertain, or
embrace the Lord Jesus" (Works, Vol. 1, p. 147.)
"God has nowhere in the Scripture
required any worthiness in the creature before believing in Christ."
(Works, Vol. 1, p. 147. Ibid, p. 144)
JOHN BROWN OF EDINBURGH (18th Century Scottish Presbyterian Minister and prolific author. Authored "The Self Interpreting Bible")
"The free unlimited extent of the
invitation-" If any man…" The free and unrestricted nature of
the invitation, now deserves notice. Not only is the descriptive
character of those invited, "those who thirst," common to all human
beings, but the invitation is so fashioned, that no human being can
find the shadow of a reason for thinking himself excluded. 'If any man
thirst - any human being, however mean, guilty, depraved, and wretched,
wish to he happy - let him, in the belief of the truth about me,
exercise the affections which that truth believed naturally produces,
and he shall be happy.' It is not, 'If any man be deeply sensible of
his guilt, depravity, and wretchedness, let him come to me and drink.'
Such are invited;. but if that were all, as some have taught, thus,
however unintentionally, clogging with conditions the unhampered offer
of a free salvation, men might think that till they had brought
themselves, or were in some way or other brought, into a state. of deep
contrition, and earnest seeking after pardon, and holiness, and
salvation, it would be presumption in them to come to Christ, or even
look towards the Saviour for salvation. But the invitation is,
'Whosoever wishes to be happy, let him come to me, sinful and miserable
as he is, and in me he shall find salvation. If thou art not a brute,
if thou art not a devil-however like the one in sensuality, or the
other in malignity-thou art invited. If thou art on earth, not in Hell,
thou art invited.' " (Comments on John 7:37 Discourses and sayings of
our Lord. BOT Vol 2. p.9-10)
JAMES BUCHANAN (19th Century Scottish Presbyterian Minister and Theologian)
"Of every man who reads or hears the
Gospel, it may be affirmed that there is nothing betwixt him and
salvation, except his own unwillingness to be saved. 'Ye are not
willing to come to me, that ye might have life,' - that is the
Saviour's charge and complaint. 'Whosoever will, let him take the water
of life freely,' - that is the Saviour's call and invitation. The
warrant of every sinner top believe in Christ to the saving of the soul
is clear, it is written as with a sunbeam in Scripture: it lies wholly
in the Word, which is the Spirit's message and not at all in the
Spirit's witness in the heart. The warrant of the Word is ample; but if
any feels that, even with this warrant in his hand, there is something
within which keeps him back - a depraved heart, a rebellious will, a
reluctant spirit - oh! let him acknowledge his own helplessness, and
cast himself, with the simplicity of a little child, on the grace of
the Spirit of God!" (The Office and Work of the Holy Spirit BOT p.45)
JOHN BUNYAN (Famous 17th Century English Independent Preacher and author of Pilgrim's Progress)
"The gospel must be preached to
sinners, as they are sinners, without distinction of elect and
reprobate, because neither the one nor yet the other (as considered
under these simple acts) are fit subjects to embrace the Gospel - for
neither the one act nor yet the other doth make either of them sinners
- but the Gospel is to be tendered to men as they are sinners and
personally under the curse of God for sin; wherefore to proffer grace
to the elect because they are elect, it is the proffer grace and mercy
to them not considering them as sinners…Thus you see the gospel
is to be tendered to all in general, as well to the reprobate as to the
elect, to sinners as sinners: and so are they to receive it and close
with the tenders thereof." (Reprobation Asserted Chapter 9 Treasury of
Bunyan p.709-710 Baker House)
"The grace that is offered to
sinners as sinners, without respect to this or that person, it is a
sufficiency of righteousness, pardoning grace, and life, laid up in the
person of Christ, held forth in the exhortation and word of the gospel,
and promised to be theirs that receive it…Neither is it (the
reason why the natural man does not receive the things of God) because
the reprobate is not excluded in the tender, for that is universal."
(Reprobation Asserted Chapter 10 Treasury of Bunyan p.710-711 Baker
WILLIAM C. BURNS (19th Century Scottish Presbyterian Minister and Missionary to China)
"But what shall I say to those among
you who have neither part nor lot in the matter of salvation?…My
heart is ready to break for you, when I think that, after all the
solemn warnings you have received, and after all the pressing offers of
Jesus that have been made to you in the name of God, you still remain
in a state of heart ungodliness, or of open sin…Oh! Dear
fellow-sinner, it is high time for you to awake out of sleep!"
Arise and come to Jesus now. He is
crying, Come unto me, I will in no wise cast you out. The Father is
ready to receive you into his family. The Spirit is striving with you,
did you not resist him and grieve him away. Halt no longer between two
opinions… Yield yourself then, to the Lord as a lost sinner, and
he will not cast you out. You have seen individuals around you, perhaps
some of your own friends or companions, fleeing to Jesus: why did not
follow them? Are you resolved to be left behind in Sodom and to perish
in the flames?" (A letter to the people in the Highlands of Perthshire,
Scotland. Printed in Sermons of WC Burns BOT p.202-203)
JOHN CALVIN (Famous 16th Century French Presbyterian Minister, Theologian and Reformer.)
"The gospel is to be preached
indiscriminately to the elect and to the reprobate: but the elect alone
come to Christ, because they have been taught of God." (Isaiah 4:146)
"God invites all indiscriminately to
salvation through the Gospel, but the ingratitude of the world is the
reason why this grace, which is equally offered to all, is enjoyed by
few." (Luke 2:10)
MURDOCH CAMPBELL (20th Century Scottish Presbyterian Minister and author)
"And since it is the will of God that none should perish but that all should return to Him and live, this precious invitation is not merely from man’s heart or lips but from the heart of God Himself. We are but Christ’s ambassadors who plead with men to be reconciled to God. The blessed implication of these words, you will notice, is that the free offer of salvation and the invitations of the Gospel have the sanction of God’s Word. We find them in every part of Scripture. Our Lord addressed men in these words: "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Since all men enter the world under a burden of guilt and sin these words are, therefore, addressed to "all". None is excluded. One of the last words in the Bible is "Come". The Spirit and the bride say "Come". The Church unites in uttering the same word as Christ and the Spirit. So do all who hear and obey God’s voice. To say that this appeal to men implies that they have some measure of ability to save themselves is not true. In the matter of salvation man, of himself, can do nothing. He is utterly helpless. But there are, on the other hand, three solemn facts which confront us in relation to the offer and invitations of the Gospel. The first is that man is accountable to God. Why shall the ungodly be excluded on the last day from the presence of God? Is it because they had lost all ability to come to Christ? No. "I was a stranger and you took me not in." He knocked at their door, but they kept it closed. How often, and in how many ways, has He knocked at your own? Another truth is that there is something we can do. This is not a contradiction of what we have just said. We can pray. We can cry for mercy. "I waited patiently for the Lord, and He included unto me and heard my cry." It is truly God’s power and hand that rescues us from the pit of sin; but, as in the case of the Psalmist, He does this in answer to prayer. Prayer is always the expression of our inability to save ourselves. You stay as you are and you will remain where you are. Keep silent and God may keep silent also. The cry of a drowning man cannot save him, but it may bring someone to his side who can rescue him. Let me ask the Lord’s people here this question. Was it not in answer to prayer, and with your eye upon Christ crucified, that the Lord saved you? I can almost hear the still small voice of a universal "yea" within the souls of all to whom the question comes." (Sermon on Numbers 10:29 from "The Everlasting Love" Knox Press)
(19th Century American preacher and Bible commentator)
"The Lord is willing that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter
3:9). This scripture expresses not an irresistible decree, but the attitude of
the divine mind toward all men. As repentance must be toward God, if he, one of
the two at variance, and withal the one aggrieved, is willing to accept the
repentance of the transgressor as a step toward reconciliation, it places the
responsibility of decision on the man, and teaches that the final damnation of
any soul on account of sin is suicide – the sinner destroys himself. The
emphasis should be placed on "willing" and "all." The Lord
is willing; is the sinner willing? The willingness of God is toward all,
excluding no nation, no class, no individual: "How often would I have gathered
you but ye would not," "Ye will not come unto me that ye might have
life," "Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely."
No view of the divine decrees, no interpretation of the doctrines of election
and predestination should be allowed to obscure the brightness, or limit the
broadness, of this attitude of the divine mind toward sinners. Our own hearts
should be full of it when we preach or teach the gospel to lost men. And we
should prayerfully and diligently labor to possess their minds with the
conviction that if everything else in the universe be a lie, it remains true
that "God wishes all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the
truth" (1 Tim. 2:4). We must not, dare not, doubt his sincerity, nor
impugn his veracity, when he says, "As I live, saith the Lord God, I have
no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way
and live" (Ezek. 33:11). (Motives and Encouragements to Repentance)
THOMAS CHALMERS (19th Century Scottish Presbyterian - Prolific writer and theologian)
THOMAS CHALMERS (19th Century Scottish Presbyterian - Prolific writer and theologian)
"No plan can be more injudicious,
than to mix up the doctrine of election with the original overtures of
the Gospel. The doctrine of 'goodwill to men' will light up joy in all,
for all know they are men; but the doctrine of 'good will to the elect'
will light up joy in none, for no man can tell at the outset whether he
is elected or not. By implicating, as some theologians unwisely do, the
final acceptance with the original offers of the Gospel. Instead of
pointing it with a surer aim to any, they may virtually be said to deny
it to all. In no part of the Gospel is pardoned offered to man on the
ground of his being one of the elect but everywhere on the ground of
his being on of the species. In the Gospel the flag of invitation waves
in the sight of all. It is not written upon it, 'Whosoever of the elect
will, let him come and take of the water of life freely;' it is not
said, 'Whosoever of a select and favoured few shall call upon me, shall
be saved;' but 'Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the
earth." (Comments on Luke 2:13-14)
ELISHA COLES (17th Century English Pastor and Theologian)
"In Acts 17:1-4, you have Paul
preaching the same doctrine at Thessalonica. The same doctrine was
propounded to all indefinitely; and it must be so, for the minister
knows not the elect from other men; but the Holy Ghost, who searcheth
the deep things of God, and hath the management of this work committed
to him, he knew the elect by name (John 10:3) and accordingly took
them: 'gathered them one by one' (Isaiah 27:12) each one in his proper
time, 'and opened their ears to discipline' (Job 36:10) making them
what they were chosen to be." (God's Sovereignty in Effectual Calling.
SGU 1948 p.193)
JOHN COLQUHOUN OF EDINBURGH (17th Century Scottish Presbyterian Minister and writer)
"But is it true that the offers of
the Gospel, and the commandment to believe in Jesus Christ, are
addressed to none but true penitents? Far from it. Christ with his
righteousness and salvation is in the Gospel offered to sinners of
mankind in common - to sinners as such; and sinners as such are invited
and commanded to believe on His name, 'Whosoever will, let him take of
the water of life freely.' 'whosoever believeth in him shall not
perish, but have everlasting life.'" (Repentance. BOT 1965, p.113)
EZEKIEL CULVERWELL (17th Century English Puritan)
"The general offer doth not make all
partakers of Christ: nor does the special partaking of Christ, hinder
the general offer. By Offer I mean only the outward calling by the
Gospel which none can deny to belong to many that are not
chosen… 'either there must bee some special mark of difference
whereby it may be known, to whom the pardon is proclaimed, and to whom
not, or else it must be general to all. But there is no such special
certain difference between sinners before faith, whereby one may know
the pardon is granted to him.—The only way whereby any may know
himself to bee contained under the pardon, is this, that he hears that
God in his Gospel doth proclaim forgiveness of sin in Christ, without
exception, to all sinners: that whosoever heareth and believeth shall
be saved." (A Treatise of Faith p.151)
R.L. DABNEY (19th Century American Presbyterian Pastor and Theologian)
"God's Indiscriminate Proposals of Mercy,As Related to His Power, Wisdom, and Sincerity". (Title of paper by R. L. Dabney)
"Let us now re-present to ourselves
the large number of texts in which God entreats sinners to turn from
the ways of destruction. They are addressed by him to all men, without
distinction of elect and non-elect. When, for instance, the Redeemer
commands us to "preach the gospel to every creature," it is impossible
by any exegetical pressure to make the words mean, "every elect
creature," because he adds in the next verse (Mark 16:16), "He that
believeth not shall be damned." (God's Indiscriminate Proposals of
Mercy, As Related to His Power, Wisdom, and Sincerity)
CANONS OF DORT (17th Century Calvinistic Synod in Holland which refuted the 5 points of Arminianism)
"This promise, together with the
command to repent and believe, ought to be declared and published to
all nations, and to all persons promiscuously and without distinction,
to whom God out of His good pleasure sends the gospel."(II/5).
Note: Expounding this particular part of the Dort declaration, Cornelius Pronk said: "In order to preach the Gospel to all men, they [Arminans] thought they needed a doctrine of universal atonement - the belief that Christ died for all men. Our Calvinist fathers disagreed with that. They believed that the Bible clearly tells us that the Gospel must be preached to all, no matter what we think of the value of the death of Christ...Wherever the gospel goes forth, it may be preached and must be preached to all." (Sermons on Dort p.127)
(19th Century Scottish Presbyterian and Professor of ancient History)
Note: Expounding this particular part of the Dort declaration, Cornelius Pronk said: "In order to preach the Gospel to all men, they [Arminans] thought they needed a doctrine of universal atonement - the belief that Christ died for all men. Our Calvinist fathers disagreed with that. They believed that the Bible clearly tells us that the Gospel must be preached to all, no matter what we think of the value of the death of Christ...Wherever the gospel goes forth, it may be preached and must be preached to all." (Sermons on Dort p.127)
(19th Century Scottish Presbyterian and Professor of ancient History)
"Although it be true that the elect
only believe unto salvation, yet it is the convinced sinner, as such,
and not the elect sinner, as such, that savingly believes. Yet the
gospel being offered to all mankind sinners, God's elect, in believing,
do condemn the world of unbelievers, because they receive Christ on no
special ground, but offered to them as, in common with, others."
(Comments on Q31 of the Shorter Catechism where Christ is said to be
freely offered in the gospel. Quoted in 'Just a Talker' - an anthology
of John Duncan by John M Brentall. Banner of Truth p.220)
JONATHAN EDWARDS (18th Century American Congregationalist Pastor, Theologian and writer. Saw Revivals constantly. Preacher of the famous Sermon: Sinners in the hands of an angry God.)
"Seeing therefore that it is so
evident, that you refuse to accept of Christ as your Saviour, why is
Christ to be blamed that he does not save you? Christ has offered
himself to be your Saviour in time past, and he continues offering
himself still, and you continue to reject him, and yet complain that he
does not save you. - So strangely unreasonable, and inconsistent with
themselves are gospel sinners!…That so glorious a person should
be thus treated, and that when he comes on so gracious an errand! That
he should stand so long offering himself and calling and inviting. As
he has done to many of you, and all to no purpose, but all the while be
set at nought. Surely you might be justly cast into hell without one
more offer of a Saviour! yea and thrust down into the lowest hell!
Herein you have exceeded the very devils; for they never rejected the
offers of such glorious mercy; no, nor of any mercy at all." (Sermon on
The Justice of God in the Damnation of Sinners. Works, Vol 1 BOT
"Pardon is as much offered and
promised to the greatest sinners as any, if they will come aright to
God for mercy. The invitations of the gospel are always in universal
terms: as, Ho, every one that thirsteth; Come unto me all ye that
labour and are heavy laden; and, Whosoever will, let him come. And the
voice of Wisdom is to men in general: Proverbs 8:4. 'Unto you, O men, I
call, and my voice is to the sons of men.' Not to moral men or
religious men, but to you O men. So Christ promises, John 6:37 'Him
that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out.' This is the direction
of Christ to his apostles, after his resurrection, Mark 16:15. 'Go ye
into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature: he that
believeth and is baptised shall be saved.' Which is agreeable to what
the apostle saith, that 'the gospel was preached to every creature
under Heaven.' Colossians 1:23" (Sermon on Pardon for the Greatest
Sinners. BOT Book "Jonathan Edwards on Knowing Christ" p271-272)
R. ELLIOTT BA (18th Century Church of England Minister - close friend and colleague of Whitefield)
"The Scripture doctrine of election
and predestination as we believe and preach it, is no discouragement to
sinners, no bar to any one's conversion: for our warrant to come to
Christ is not God's secret decree and purpose concerning us: but his
inviting, calling and commanding us in his Word to repent and believe
on Christ. No one indeed can prove, or know his election, but by his
conversion to God, and obeying the Gospel. They that believe alright do
not believe in Christ from the consideration of their being elected,
but from the consideration of their being lost sinners, whom Christ
came to seek and to save…And he himself hath said, as you heard
above, that if you come to him, he will in no wise cast you out: hence
the Gospel is to be preached promiscuously to sinners, without
distinction." (Funeral Sermon of George Whitefield Select Sermons of
George Whitefield BOT p69-70)
EBENEZER ERSKINE (18th Century Scottish Presbyterian Minister and author)
"Great things are done for the
redeemed this year also. Only before I proceed to particulars, I would
have you remember, that redemption in this situation of it, or
considered in its revelation or exhibition, is a thing common to all
the hearers of the gospel. Here we are to abstract from the secret
decrees of election and reprobation, and to make open proclamation of
redeeming grace and love in Christ to every creature under heaven; we
are to tell every man and woman sprung of Adam, this good news, 'That
God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing
their trespasses unto them;' that 'the promise is unto you, and to your
seed, and to all that afar off, and to as many as the Lord our God
shall call' by the sound of the gospel."(Beauties of Erskine by Samuel
McMillan, Christian Focus Publications p.496)
GILES FIRMIN (16th English Puritan Minister )
"It is the duty of all the sons and daughters of Adam, who hear the Gospel preached, and Christ offered to them, to believe in, or receive Christ, whether they be prepared or not prepared." (The Real Christian, 1670, p. 2)
JOHN GILL (17th Century English Baptist Pastor and Commentator)
HISTORICAL NOTE: "He was one of the
most learned men that the Baptist denomination has ever produced. His
great work, The Exposition of the Old and New Testaments, is still held
in the highest esteem even by those whose sentiments widely differ from
the author’s. His Body of Divinity is also a masterly
condensation of doctrinal and practical theology, and his Cause of God
and Truth is highly esteemed by many. The system of theology with which
many identify his name has chilled many churches to their very soul,
for it has led them to omit the free invitations of the gospel, and to
deny that it is the duty of sinners to believe in Jesus: but for this,
Dr. Gill must not be altogether held responsible, for a candid reader
of his Commentary will soon perceive in it expressions altogether out
of accord with such a narrow system; and it is well known that, when he
was dealing with practical godliness, he was so bold in his utterances
that the devotees of Hyper-Calvinism could not endure him. "Well, sir,"
said one of these, "if I had not been told that it was the great Dr.
Gill who preached, I should have said I had heard an Arminian." (C. H.
Spurgeon writing about John Gill. 4 Volume Autobiography Vol 1 p.335)
WILLIAM GUTHERIE (17th Century Scottish Covenanter preacher and author)
"Every one who is come to years of
understanding and heareth this gospel, is obliged to take to heart his
own condition, and God's gracious offer of peace and salvation through
Jesus Christ, and speedily to flee from the wrath to come, by accepting
and closing with this offer, heartily acquiescing therein as a
satisfying way for the salvation of perishing sinners. And, that all
may be the more encouraged to set about this duty, when they hear Him
praying them to be reconciled unto Him, let them remember that peace
and salvation are offered in universal terms to all without exception:
'If any man will,' he shall be welcome. (Rev xxii.17) If any thirst,
although after that which will never profit, yet they shall be welcome
here, on the condition aforesaid - [Quotes Isaiah 55:1-3] All are
'commanded to believe' This is His commandment, 'that we should believe
on the name of His Son, Jesus Christ.' (1 John iii.23) The promises are
to all who are externally called by the gospel. God excludes none, if
they do not exclude themselves - 'The promise is unto you, and to your
children, and to all that afar off, even as many as the Lord our God
shall call.' (Acts ii.39)" (Christian's Great Interest p.187-188
Taylor, Edinburgh edition. Since reprinted by the Banner of Truth)
JAMES HALDANE (19th Century Scottish Baptist Evangelist Brother of the equally famous Robert)
"The Gospel announces that Christ
came into the world to save sinners; it says to all and to each
individual who hears it, 'Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou
shalt be saved.' …No discretion is given to us in preaching the
Gospel; we are not entitled to preach it to some and withhold it from
others. It is addressed to all. Its language is,--'To you, O men, I
call, and my voice is to the sons of men.' 'Look unto Me, and be ye
saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God,' 'a just God and a
Saviour.' The Gospel is Christ's voice, by which His blood-bought sheep
are conducted into His fold, and thus separated from the goats. It is
the rod of His power, by which He guides His flock, while to others it
is a stumbling block and foolishness. 'I know My sheep,' says the Lord,
and, by the means of the Gospel they are made to know Him... We are
taught to lay the Gospel before all our fellow-men, not as if we were
indifferent whether they received it or not, but to urge it on their
acceptance. We see how tenderly and affectionately the Lord addressed
the lost sheep of the house of Israel during his personal ministry, and
how the Apostles besought men to be reconciled to God. And although
many, both Jews and Gentiles, rejected the counsel of God against
themselves, by these means the elect were gathered in, and obtained
salvation, while the rest were blinded, Acts 13:48; Rom. 11:7; 2 Tim.
2:10 (Quoted by David Pointer "In defence of Common Grace")
T.C. HAMMOND (20th Century Irish Anglican Minister and great Contender for the Protestant faith)
"It should be noticed that the
problem (i.e. discerning for whom did Christ die) should not affect the
preaching of the gospel. The Augustinian (in his ignorance of those
whom God may call) must equally earnestly offer the fruits of the
gospel to all whom he may preach." (In Understanding Be Men IVF
MATTHEW HENRY 17th Century Presbyterian Minister and great Bible Expositor
The commission which he gave them to set up his kingdom among men by
the preaching of his gospel, the glad tidings of reconciliation to God
through a Mediator. Now observe, 1. To whom they were to preach the
gospel. Hitherto they had been sent only to the lost sheep of the house
of Israel, and were forbidden to go into the way of the Gentiles, or
into any city of the Samaritans; but now their commission is enlarged,
and they are authorized to go into all the world, into all parts of the
world, the habitable world, and to preach the gospel of Christ to every
creature, to the Gentiles as well as to the Jews; to every human
creature that is capable of receiving it. “Inform them concerning
Christ, the history of his life, and death, and resurrection; instruct
them in the meaning and intention of these, and of the advantages which
the children of men have, or may have, hereby; and invite them, without
exception, to come and share in them. This is gospel. Let this be
preached in all places, to all persons.” These eleven men could
not themselves preach it to all the world, much less to every creature
in it; but they and the other disciples, seventy in number, with those
who should afterward to be added to them, must disperse themselves
several ways, and, wherever they went, carry the gospel along with
them. They must send others to those places whither they could not go
themselves, and, in short, make it the business of their lives to send
those glad tidings up and down the world with all possible fidelity and
care, not as an amusement or entertainment, but as a solemn message
from God to men, and an appointed means of making men happy.
“Tell as many as you can, and bid them tell others; it is a
message of universal concern, and therefore, ought to have a universal
welcome, because it gives a universal welcome.”
(Comments on Mark 16:15)
JAMES HERVEY (18th Century English Anglican Minister and author)
JAMES HERVEY (18th Century English Anglican Minister and author)
"Should you say, Have I a warrant for
such a trust? I reply, You have the best of warrants, our Lord's
express permission, 'Whosoever will let him take the water of life
freely.' It is not said, this or that person only, but whosoever,
including you and me, excluding no individual man or woman. It is not
said whosoever is worthy, but whosoever is willing. Wilt thou be made
whole? was our Lord's question to the impotent man at the pool of
Bethesda. Wilt thou, all terms and conditions apart, inherit grace and
glory? is his most benevolent address to sinful men in all
ages…Do you still question whether these inestimable blessings
are free for you? Remember, brethren, they are free for sinners. Is
that your character? Then they are as free for you as for any person in
the world…" (Sermon on Hebrews 11:28 "The place of Safety"
quoted by Ryle in Christian Leaders of the 18th Century BOT p.348-349)
quotations from others, but the above are from well known,
representative, sound, Calvinistic divines; several of them high
Calvinists. Yet their holding firmly to the spiritual inability of the
natural man, to unconditional election, particular redemption, and the
effectual call of the Spirit, did not tie their hands in preaching the
Gospel freely, pressing upon their hearers their responsibility, and
calling upon them to repent and believe."—(Arthur Pink on Duty
Faith From Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. 15, no. May 1936)
ALEXANDER HODGE: (19th Century American Presbyterian Theologian and author)
Question: How does this doctrine [Predestination] consist with the general gospel offer?
Question: How does this doctrine [Predestination] consist with the general gospel offer?
Answer: "In the general offers of the
gospel God exhibits a salvation sufficient for and exactly adapted to
all, and sincerely offered to every one without exception, and he
enfolds all the motives of duty, hope, fear etc., which ought to induce
every one to accept it, solemnly promising that whosoever comes in no
wise shall be cast out. Nothing but a sinful unwillingness can prevent
any one who hears the gospel from receiving and enjoying it. The gospel
is for all, election is a special grace in addition to that offer. The
non-elect may come if they will. The elect will come. The decree of
election puts no barrier before men preventing them from accepting the
gospel offer. Any man, elect or non elect, will be saved if he accepts.
The non-elect are left to act as they are freely determined by their
own hearts. There is just as great an apparent difficulty in
reconciling God's certain foreknowledge of the final impenitence of the
great majority of those to whom he offers and upon whom he presses, by
every argument, his love with the fact of that offer: especially when
we reflect that he foresees that his offers will certainly increase
their guilt and misery." (Outlines of Theology p.229 Banner of Truth)
CHARLES HODGE: (19th Century American Presbyterian Theologian and author)
"According to the Calvinistic scheme
the non-elect have all the advantages and opportunities of securing
their salvation, that, according to any other scheme, are granted to
mankind indiscriminately. Calvinism teaches that a plan of salvation
adapted to all men and adequate for the salvation of all, is freely
offered to the acceptance of all, although in the secret purpose of God
He intended that it should have precisely the effect which in
experience it is found to have. He deigned in its adoption to save His
own people, but consistently offers its benefits to all who are willing
to receive them. More than this no anti-Calvinist can demand. (Charles
Hodge, Systematic Theology, Vol. II, p. 644)
ERROL HULSE: (21st Century Baptist preacher and Conference speaker)
"The free offers of the Gospel. The
Lord invites all men to himself. He freely invites them to come to him
as they are and not because of anything good or righteous they may find
in themselves. The sinner does not look to see if he has worthiness, or
if there are preliminary signs of grace in him. We should be free,
flexible and fervent in our preaching of the free offers of the Gospel.
In other words we must not in any way be stiff or starched or hampered.
If the doctrines of grace hamper the preacher in any way it indicates
that he has not grasped their implications. The Puritans can help us a
very great deal here. They were marvellously free, They had the
doctrines of grace; they held to particular redemption absolutely, but
this never hampered them in their preaching of the free offers of the
Gospel. There is great joy in offering the Gospel, because the Holy
Spirit often favours Scripture passages containing Gospel invitations
and applies them with power to sinners."
GEORGE HUTCHESON (17th Century Scottish Presbyterian Minister and Commentator)
"The propounding of this condition,
"If any man thirst," is not to be understood as if we must first beget
sense of need in ourselves and then come to Christ; nor doth it warrant
any souls who would be at Christ to seclude themselves because they
think they are not thirsty; for albeit it do point out what is our
duty, yet it is his work to beget it who sends his work before him,
that he ma bring his reward with him, (Isaiah 40:10) and who by
offering of grace as a mean doth ofttimes beget it; but the scope is
rather to invite men to come upon this ground, that if they come
indeed, they do, by their coming, prove they have thirst, whatever they
think of themselves, and that any who are come this length, that they
would come if they had thirst, they may come with what they have, and
get more thirst by coming to him; therefore are all these conditional
offers summed up in this. "Whosoever will, let him take of the water of
life freely," Rev. 22:17. It is Christ's will that thirsty souls should
not only come to him by humble dependence, but that should enlarge
themselves and partake of their privileges and his refreshments, that
so they may be satisfied and acquiesce in him, may confirm themselves
in their choice of him, and for sake other delights, and may refute
their own tentations and unbelief by tasting how good he is; for it is
his will they come to him and drink, or partake largely of his
refreshments. (See Song of Solomon 5:1 ; Psalm 81:10)" (Commentary on
John 7:37 BOT p.151)
THOMAS JONES (DENBEIGH (Prominent Welsh Calvinistic Methodist)
"I believe also that He has given
commandment to his ministers to preach Him, to offer Him, and to
commend Him as one to be accepted by all their hearers. They are to
accept Him, not as elect, redeemed and sanctified people, but as
guilty, polluted and lost people." (Conversations between Enquirer and
Oldman, p.123 Quoted in The Atonement Controversy by Owen Thomas,
Banner of Truth Trust p.199)
BENJAMIN KEACH (17th Century English Baptist Pastor and author)
"It shows also that every man and
woman, that rejects the offers of grace (though not such that were
elected) shall be left without excuse at the day of judgement, they
shall all be speechless; and it shall be manifested unto their own
consciences, that it was for their own horrid wickedness, and refusing
to accept of Christ, that they shall be cast and condemned at that
day…But ministers are to do what they can. They are to invite
them, press them, intreat and persuade them to come…Another
shall say, Lord, I was not elected, as these were, let me be excused.
No, this will be no plea or excuse in the great day? Then will they see
and know that the cause of their damnation will be just and righteous,
it being the only procurement of their own evil doings, and for making
light of the gospel and offers of grace." (Comments on Parable of the
Great Supper Kregal p.100/102/104)
JOHN KENNEDY OF DINGWALL (19th Century Scottish Presbyterian Minister)
"And what but utter incapacity could
fail to see, that to insist on what is required in order to a cordial
reception of Christ, as was done in Christ's dealing with Nicodemus,
quite harmonises with a clear trumpet ring in proclaiming the call of
the gospel to all." (A reply To Dr Bonar reproduced in: Evangelism: A
Reformed Debate reprinted by the James Begg Society p.139)
HISTORICAL NOTE: "This charge (Hyper Calvinism) was without a foundation, for no man in his generation made more conscience more than he did of proclaiming as the Gospel a message that was as full as it was free and as free as it was full." (John Macleod: Scottish Theology Knox Press p.328)
ABRAHAM KUIPER (20th Century Dutch Theologian and one time Prime Minister of Holland)
"The Reformed theology insists that
God Himself, who has determined from eternity who are to be saved and
who are not, and therefore, distinguishes infallibly between the elect
whom he designed to save by the death of Christ and the reprobate whom
he did not design to save, makes on the ground of the universally
suitable and sufficient atonement a most sincere, bona fide, offer of
eternal life, not only to the elect but to all men, urgently invites
them to life everlasting, and expresses the ardent desire that every
person to whom this offer and this invitation come and accept and
comply with the invitation." (R. B Kuiper's book, For Whom Did Christ Die? (Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2003), p. 86.)
MARTIN LUTHER (16th Century Reformer, Theologian and prolific author. Famous books include "Bondage of the Will" which speaks for itself.)
"We have often said heretofore that
the Gospel, properly speaking, is not something written in books, but
an oral proclamation, which shall be heard in all the world and shall
be cried out freely before all creatures, so that all would have to
hear it if they had ears; that is to say, it shall be preached so
publicly that to preach it more publicly would be impossible. For the
Law, which was of old, and what the prophets preached, was not cried
out in all the world before all creatures, but it was preached by the
Jews in their synagogues. But the Gospel shall not be thus confined; it
shall be preached freely unto all the world." (Sermon on Mark 16:15
Preach the gospel to every creature)
J. GRESHAM MACHEN (20th Century American Theologian and author)
"What a great mistake it is, then, to
think that the doctrine of predestination is contrary to the free offer
of salvation to all. Of course, it remains true in the fullest and
richest sense that whosoever will may come. None who will trust in
Christ is excluded. None, I say, none without any exception whatsoever.
Never have we any right to assume that any man or group of men that we
can name is outside of God's plan of salvation; never have we any right
to assume that any man upon this earth is beyond the reach of the grace
of God; never have we any right to withhold the gospel from any man
where ever he may be."(The Christian View of Man BOT p.78)
JOHN MURRAY (20th Century Scottish Presbyterian Theologian and author)
"The question then is: what is implicit in, or lies back of, the full and free offer of the gospel to all without distinction?" (The Free Offer of the Gospel. Collected Writings of John Murray, BOT p. 113)
ROBERT MURRAY McCHEYNE (19th Century Scottish Presbyterian Minister)
"No one ever came to Christ because
they knew themselves to be of the elect. It is quite true that God has
of his mere good pleasure elected some to everlasting life, but they
never knew it until they came to Christ. Christ nowhere invites the
elect to come to Him. The question for you is not, Am I one of the
elect? But, Am I one of the human race?" (Sermon on Proverbs 8:4: "Unto
you O men, I call; and my voice is to the sons of man" Remains of
McCheyne BOT edition p.369)
KENNETH McCREA (Eminent 20th Century Free Church of Scotland Minister - Stornaway)
“The act of faith then is consequent upon a persuasion of the fact that
Christ is both able and willing to save. Apart from this, the act of faith, the
closing of the sinner with Christ’s offer of salvation, is impossible… It
involves the belief that the efficacy of His work is offered to sinners… It is
not offered to the elect alone. Rejectors among Gospel hearers will be held
responsible for what they have done. Christ’s ministers are comissioned to
preach the Gospel to every creature. This must be fully realised - that Christ
is genuine in offering salvation to all who hear the Gospel, no matter how
sinful they may be… it involves the conviction that His word is a real personal
message to you.
Thus God speaks. You need wait for no dream or vision as a messenger from
God. When you hear His Word - or read it - God speaks to you: to you personally
as apart from all others, and He means what He says. You will never be saved
until you accept the Word as bearing directly upon your own case… It involves
the persuasion that He will save you from the wrath to come if you look to Him
to doso …’But what warrant have I?’ you ask. A better warrant you could not have. The
Gospel itself is your warrant, for so to trust Christ is exactly what the Gospel
asks you to do. This is what Christ Himself pleads with you to do Matt 11:28-30;
Rev 22:17, and surely Christ’s own invitation to your soul is far better than
any dreams or visions or frames or feelings. This season of exercise unimproved may seal your doom eternally. Let none
therefore tempt you back to the world. ‘See that ye refuse not him that
speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more
shall not we escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven’ Heb
12:25. ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.’ (A word to the anxious)
BROWNLOW NORTH BY K. MOODY STUART (19th Century Scottish Evangelist)
HISTORICAL NOTE: "His Calvinism did
not in any way hamper him in declaring the freest offer of salvation to
all, and to pressing its instant acceptance upon every sinner to whom
the offer came. The salvation he preached was as free as the sunlight,
as authoritatively pressed on every gospel hearer as the august command
of God can press it, and as urgent as it can be made by the exactest
meaning of the word NOW. Sufficient for all, suitable for all, offered
in gift for all, pressed upon the immediate acceptance of all by the
invitation, the entreaty, and the commandment of God, such was his
gospel - and can anything be more free, more full and more unfettered?
No doubt he also insisted on the natural aversion to it, inability to
understand it, and incapacity to receive it. But over against this he
held out an offer and gift of the Spirit as free as the offer and gift
of the Saviour, thoroughly to overcome that aversion, to remove the
blindness of the understanding and the alienation of the affections.
Human language cannot express a salvation more overflowingly full and
more unconditionally free: God offering His Spirit to lost and helpless
sinners as freely and as unconditionally as He offers His Son." (Life
and Work of Brownlow North. BOT p135-136)
JOHN OWEN (17th Century English Congregationalist Minister, Theologian and prolific author. Wrote famous treatise: "Death of Death in the Death of Christ" and authored an eight [large] volume commentary on Hebrews - the first two being introductory remarks.)
"Perhaps some will say it is in this,
that if Christ did not die for all to whom the word is preached, then
how can they that preach it offer Christ to all?
…Answer…What do the preachers of the gospel offer to them
to whom the word is preached? Is it not life and salvation through
Christ, upon the condition of faith and repentance? And doth not the
truth of this offer consist in this, that every one that believeth
shall be saved? And doth not that truth stand firm and inviolable, so
long as there is an all-sufficiency in Christ to save all that come
unto him? Hath God intrusted the ministers of the gospel with his
intentions, purpose, and counsels, or with his commands and promises?
Is it a lie, to tell men that he that believeth shall be saved, though
Christ did not die for some of them?" (The Atonement)
PATERSON ON THE SHORTER CATECHISM (19th Century Scottish Presbyterian Minister. Wrote a famous commentary on the Shorter Catechism. Died when only 24 years old)
"The gospel offer is tendered to all
as sinners of Adam's race; for, were this not the case, the gospel
could not properly be called "good news or glad tidings of great joy to
all men"-Luke 2:10-11…There is no qualification required to fit
us for having a right to the offer of salvation by Christ in the
gospel, because none is necessary. All are invited to come just as they
are, with all their sins; and although Christ saith, "Come unto me, all
ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest;" it only
implies that they alone who are in this situation come to him. Others
will not accept of him in the offer, not because they have no need of
him, but because they know it not, concluding that all is well with
them." (On Question 31…p120-121)
WILLIAM PATTON (19th Century Irish Presbyterian Minister. Greatly used of God in the 1859 Revival. )
work is free to every sinner. Unpardoned sinner! God's justice does not
stand in the way of your salvation. There is nothing hindering you to
be saved outside yourself. Thereare three truths about Christ's death
which are held by all Evangelical Christians: First, Christ's death was
sufficient for all men. Seocnd, Christ's death was suited to all men -
adapted to all men - just what men need. Third, Christ's death is, by
God's command, to be offered to all men. No one disputes these three
facts. But you must take His death home to yourself." (Pardon and Assurance. Chapter Entitled: Christ's work finished
and free to all. p.140)
that Christ's atonement is for sinners. Whatever else may not be for
sinners, Christ's death is for none but sinners, and it is offered
freely to you as freely as to any other person in the world. No person
in the world ever had any better offer of Christ than you have. There
is nothing freer to you upon the earth than the death of Christ. It is
as free to you as the rain from heaven. You have no right in yourself
to Christ's death, but he offers it to you, beseeching you to accept
it, and to give Him the credit and pleasure of saving you. If He did
not offer it to you, you would have no right to take it; but when He
offers it, it is no presumption to take it. Nay, it is the height of
presumption not to take it - a great sin, and as a great folly as
well." (Pardon and Assurance. Chapter Entitled: Christ's work finished
and free to all. p.142)
[Answering the sinner's objection: I
fear I am not elected:] "…What you have to discover is, not that
you are an elect saint, but that you are a lost sinner. When you have
discovered this, and have been enabled by divine grace to take Christ
as your Saviour, and thus make your calling sure, your election will be
sure also…Your rule of duty is not what is written in the Lamb's
Book of Life, but what is written in God's Holy Word. The Bible tells
us you that the mercy of God is infinite, and that the merits of Christ
are infinite, and that the Holy Ghost saith - Today. Take God at His
word and trust your soul on the merits of Christ; and you need not fear
election. It is a false inference from the doctrine with which Satan is
troubling you. If you neglect salvation from a decree which you do not
understand, then sin lies on your own head - you are lost because of
your unbelief. Why should you think that you are not one of the elect?
No human being out of hell can ever know that he is not. You have as
good a right to believe yourself one of the elect as any unconverted
sinner that ever lived." (Pardon and Assurance. Chapter Entitled: Groundless Fears p.158)
WILLIAM PERKINS (16th Century Church of England Minister and Theologian)
"With the promises there is joined an
exhortation or command to believe, which is more general than the
promise; because the promise is only made to believers; but the
commandment is given to believers and unbelievers also. For the elect
are mingled with the wicked in the same assemblies, and therefore the
ministers of the Gospel ought indiscriminately to exhort all and every
one to repent." (W. Perkins Vol. 1, p. 379;)
ARTHUR PINK (20th Century Author. Was relatively unknown while he lived…his books much sought after by those of the Reformed Faith.)
Although early on Pink was evidently not happy with the term "offer" as
the following quote proves, yet when you read the whole
paragraph, you can see how he still believed that indiscriminately, all
are commanded to fulfil the terms which God has announced upon which
they may be saved. Although the wording (in light of the controversy)
is unfortunate, I think Pink is contending more for the thought that
God does not have a begging bowl in His hand, but is exercising
His right as God to command men to believe. He does not say that the
gospel is not an invitation at all, but that it is no "mere invitation"
"Concerning the character and
contents of the Gospel the utmost confusion prevails today. The Gospel
is not an "offer" to be bandied around by evangelical peddlers. The
Gospel is no mere invitation but a proclamation, a proclamation
concerning Christ; true whether men believe it or not. No man is asked
to believe that Christ died for him in particular. The Gospel, in
brief, is this: Christ died for sinners, you are a sinner, believe in
Christ, and you shall be saved. In the Gospel God simply announces the
terms upon which men may be saved (namely, repentance and faith) and,
indiscriminately, all are commanded to fulfil them." (1929 edition of
the Sovereignty of God)
Around this same time, Pink was preaching the gospel and closing his sermons with indiscriminate appeals like the following:
"Why not believe in him for yourself?
Why not trust his precious blood for yourself, and why not tonight? Why
not tonight, my friend? God is ready, God is ready to save you now if
you believe on him. The blood has been shed, the sacrifice has been
offered, the atonement has been made, the feast has been spread. The
call goes out to you tonight. 'Come, for all things are now ready.'"
(Studies in the Scriptures 1927)
Later on, Pink did come to use the phrase "free offer of the gospel" He gives the following reason why he rejected some of William Huntington's ministry:
"…Mixed up with considerable
truth (or none had so readily swallowed his poison) were errors of a
serious nature, such as his repudiation of the free gospel offer to all
who hear it, his denial of duty repentance and duty faith…"
(Letter to John T. McNee May 1947 Quoted by Iain Murray in the Life of
Arthur Pink BOT p.138)
"The gospel is as free as the air,
and I Timothy 1:15 gives us full warrant to tell a murderer in the
condemned cell that there is a Saviour for him if he will receive
him…The ground on which any sinner is invited and commanded to
believe is neither God's election, not Christ's substitution, but his
particular need of responding to the free offer of the gospel. The
gospel is that Christ died for sinners (not "elect sinners") and is
addressed to their responsibility." (Letter to William Naismith 1949
Quoted by Iain Murray in the Life of Arthur Pink BOT p.195)
"Particular redemption (Christ making atonement for the sins of his own people only) must not prevent his servants from preaching the gospel to every creature and announcing that there is a Saviour for every sinner out of hell who appropriates him for his own." (Studies in the Scriptures March 1951)
"Unto the objection that to call upon
the unregenerate to turn from the world and come to Christ is to
inculate creature-ability and to feed self righteousness, we ask, Were
Christ and his Spirit-taught apostles ignorant of this danger? Were men
so mightily used of God as Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, and
C.H. Spurgeon wrong, when , in promiscuously exhorting all their
hearers to flee from the wrath to come, they followed the example of
John the Baptist and the Son of God?" (Quoted by Iain Murray in the
Life of Arthur Pink BOT p.232 On Preaching Human Responsibility)
CORNELIUS PRONK (20th Century Free Reformed Church pastor)
CORNELIUS PRONK (20th Century Free Reformed Church pastor)
do not say that you are a reprobate. I may not say that because I do
not know. The Lord has revealed that there is a decree of reprobation,
but I am thankful that He has not revealed who the rerobates are.
Therefore, regardless of how wicked a person is, we must treat him or
her as a possible candidate for heaven, who may be one of the elect.
Therefore, the gospel must be preached to all, and therefore, whoever
you are, whatever sins you have committed, this does not mean that you
are among the reprobates." (Expository Sermons on the Canons of
Dort. Sermon 6)
THE PURITANS (17th Century Ministers who left the Church of England en-mass in 1662and helped form the Presbyterians, Independents, Baptists etc., in England)
HISTORICAL NOTE: "Linked closely with
my memories of Boston are recollections of the great value I derived
from my reading of "The Marrow of Modern Divinity" by Edward Fisher.
Were a book to be published under the same title today it might well be
regarded with the greatest suspicion by evangelicals. But Fisher's book
is a Godsend. It was the book that sparked off the famous Marrow
Controversy in the Church of Scotland in and after 1717. Boston was
serving in Simprin parish before he went to Ettrick. A Scottish soldier
who had served in the wars of the Commonwealth period in England
brought it back to Scotland and kept it on his cottage bookshelf.
Boston borrowed it and was tremendously impressed by its contents. The
date of its first publication was 1645-9, by which time apparently some
were advocating a 'close' in preference to an 'open' gospel, that is to
say, close or open as far as the proclamation of the gospel was
concerned. The book consists of a series of dialogues, with numerous
excerpts from standard divines, especially those of Puritan persuasion.
Boston, sensing that the book's thrust would be beneficial in his own
day, introduced it to others, and ere long 'Marrow-men' found
themselves in heated controversy with men of narrower views. It became
a tug of war between 'Marrow-men' and narrow men. The work was
influential for good." (S.M. Houghton My Life and Books. BOT p.59-60)
THE PURITANS BY C.H. SPURGEON (17th Century Ministers who left the Church of England en-mass in 1662and helped form the Presbyterians, Independents, Baptists etc., in England)
HISTORICAL NOTE: "I have all the Puritans with me - the whole of them without a single exception." (C.H. Spurgeon on his battle with hyper Calvinists over the free offer. MTP 7:p. 271)
(Apart from Calvin [See note above] 17th Century Ministers who left the Church of England en-mass in 1662and helped form the Presbyterians, Independents, Baptists etc., in England)
HISTORICAL NOTE: "Were you to read
many of Calvin's sermons, without knowing who was the author, you would
be led, from the views you appear at present to entertain, to pronounce
him an Arminian; neither would Goodwin, nor Owen, nor Charnock, nor
Flavel, nor Bunyan, escape the charge. These men believed and preached
the doctrines of grace: but not in such a way as to exclude
exhortations to the unconverted to repent and believe in Jesus Christ."
(Andrew Fuller writing to a hyper Calvinist: Complete Works of Andrew
Fuller. London 1841 p.889)
BISHOP J.C. RYLE (19th Century Church of England Minister and author. A 4 point Calvinist though, holding to Unlimited Redemption.)
"For another thing, the doctrine of
Election was never meant to prevent the fullest, freest offer of
salvation to every sinner. In preaching and trying to do good we are
warranted and commanded to set an open door before every man, woman,
and child, and to invite every one to come in. We know not who are
God's Elect, and whom He means to call and convert. Our duty is to
invite all. To every unconverted soul without exception we ought to
say, "God loves you, and Christ has died for you." To everyone we ought
to say, "Awake,-repent,--believe,- come to Christ,-be converted,-turn
-call upon God,- strive to enter in,---come, for all things are ready."
To tell us that none will hear and be saved except God's Elect, is
quite needless. We know it very well. But to tell us that on that
account it is useless to offer salvation to any at all, is simply
absurd. Who are we that we should pretend to know who will be found
God's Elect at last? No! indeed. Those who now seem first may prove
last, and those who seem last may prove first in the judgement day. We
will invite all, in the firm belief that the invitation will do good to
some. We will prophesy to the dry bones, if God commands us. We will
offer life to all, though many reject the offer. In so doing, we
believe that we walk in the steps of our Master and His Apostles." (Old
Paths. Election: James Clarke edition p468-469)
THOMAS SCOTT (18th Century Church of England Minister and author. Great friend of John Newton who was instrumental in his conversion.)
"Acts 13:38-41 He [Paul] was
sensible, that there were despisers in the company, whom he warned of
the consequences of unbelief: yet he preached forgiveness of sins and
justification by faith to fall present, without exception; which he
would not have done, if the gospel had not been a sufficient warrant to
authorise every one of them to believe in Christ for salvation." (The
Sinner's Warrant for Believing in Christ. Section 2 p.625)
"On the great day of the feast, Jesus
stood and cried, "If any man thirst, let him come to me and drink."
(John 7:37) Non one in large company, who thirsted for salvation, or
happiness, was excluded by the terms of this proclamation. But, lest
any should suppose that this only warrants the faith of such as are
conscious that they thirst in a spiritual manner: he afterwards,
appearing in a vision to his servant John, explains his meaning more
fully; "Let him that is athirst come, and whosoever will, let him take
the water of life freely." (Revelation 22:17) This is surely a
sufficient warrant for everyone that is willing: and however
unencumbered or universal the invitation may be, none but the willing
can be expected to comply with it." (The Sinner's Warrant for Believing
in Christ. Section 2 p.625)
Scottish Calvinists who have restricted the offer of the Saviour and of
salvation in Him to the elect have been almost an negligible
minority."(Scottish Theology by John Macleod Knox Press edition p.166)
W.G.T. SHEDD (19th Century American Presbyterian Theologian and author)
"God offers Christ's sacrifice to every man, without exception, and assures him that if he will trust in it he shall be saved, and gives him common grace to help and encourage him to believe. This is a proof that God loves his soul and desires its salvation. But God does not, in addition to this universal offer of mercy, promise to overcome every man's aversion to believe and repent and his resistance of common grace. Election and preterition have no reference to the offer of salvation or common grace. They relate only to special grace and the effectual application of Christ's sacrifice. The universal offer of mercy taught in this section evinces the universality of God's compassion towards sinners." (Calvinism: Pure and Unmixed. BOT p.27)
THOMAS SHEPHERD (17th Century English Puritan and author who later lived in America. )
"Consider he makes love to thee. Not one soul that hears me this day but the Lord Jesus is a suitor unto, that now ye would be espoused to him; "He came unto his own, and they received him not." Whatever the secret purpose of Christ is, I regard not. In this evangelical dispensation of grace, he makes love to all. John 1:12. It is clear. Matthew 22:2-3 If there be a gospel in the world, there is this love of Christ yearning toward all, especially all that have this gospel of peace sent to them. Luke 2:10 "It is tidings of great joy to all people," as law is tidings of great sorrow to all people. Luke 2:14 Angles from heaven preached this goodwill towards men. For if the challenge of love from men be founded on his actual love to some, having died for some, then the offer would be particular. But it is grounded, 1. On his own worth and glory, and hence he challengeth love. 2. On this, for aught I know, he has loved me. So that thou art not so vile but the Lord Jesus' heart is toward thee, and his eye is upon thee for love." (Parable of the Ten Virgins Soli De Gloria Reprint p.44)
RICHARD SIBBES (17th Century English Minister and author)
(Answering the objection why does Christ by the ministry persuade all in the church to believe in Christ and for to believe in the forgiveness of sins, if Christ did not die for them all, or in other words…why do Calvinists offer Christ to the non elect?) "I answer, that in the church he calls all, that he may cull out his own. The minister speaks promiscuously both to the elect and those that are not, because God will not rob his own children of the benefit, though they are mingled with others to whom the blessed things do not belong…" (Sermon on Galatians 2:20 Expositions of St Paul BOT p.389).
"Christ's love is propounded to all in general" (Sermon on Galatians 2:20 Expositions of St Paul BOT p.389)
GARDINER SPRING (19th Century American Presbyterian Preacher and author)
"The cross respects men as sinners: it addresses them as sinners. In its boundless all-sufficiency it has no concern with them in a numerical view; but regards them as those relations to the law of God are so changed by this effective propitiation, that all external obstacles are graciously removed. No matter who he is, or where he dwells; no matter what his ignorance, or how many or how aggravated his sins; if he belongs to the family of man, the cross is the remedy fitted to reach him in all his woes. There is no locality, or condition, and no variety of the human species, to which the narrative of the cross and its great and glorious truths and its ineffable love and mercy are not alike applicable…They are sufficient for the race, and, so far as their unembarrassed sufficiency goes, were designed for the race.
The proof of these remarks from the Scriptures is abundant, and familiar to every reader of the Bible. [Quotes: Mark 16:15/Revelation 22:17/Isaiah 55:1] These and a multitude of passages of similar import, are expressly addressed to all men, and from design. If it be said, that in commissioned messages like these God requires the ministers of the gospel to make this indiscriminate offer of salvation, because they do not know who will accept them, and because it is not in their province to distinguish between those who are and those who are not his chosen people; it must be borne in mind that the offer is God's own offer, and that his ministers make it only in his name…We wish to vindicate the unfeigned sincerity of the gospel offer; and we do not perceive how it can be vindicated, unless God be able and willing to do what he offers to do; unless he be willing his offer should be accepted: and unless the offer be made on reasonable terms. He offers to all men salvation, through faith in the blood of his Son. This he is able and has a right to do, because there is infinite sufficiency in the death of Christ." (The Attraction of the Cross BOT p.76-77)
CHARLES HADDON SPURGEON (19th Century World famous English Baptist Preacher and author. 62 large volumes of his sermons say it all [printed weekly until 25 years after his death] Famous for hius stand against the Downgrade Apostasy of the Baptist Union.)
We could supply a multitude of quotes from Spurgeon all proving that he believed in the free offer of the gospel. Those below will suffice.
"Brethren, the command to believe in Christ must be the sinner’s warrant, if you consider the nature of our commission. How runs it? "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." It ought to run, according to the other [Hyper Calvinist] plan, "preach the gospel to every regenerate person, to every convinced sinner, to every sensible soul." But it is not so; it is to "every creature." But unless the warrant be a something in which every creature can take a share, there is no such thing as consistently preaching it to every creature." (Sermon on 1 John 3:23 entitled: "The warrant of Faith." Contains an exposure of the hyper Calvinist position)
"A yet further charge against us is, that we dare not preach the gospel to the unregenerate, that, in fact, our theology is so narrow and cramped that we cannot preach to sinners. Gentlemen, if you dare to say this, I would take you to any library in the world where the old Puritan fathers are stored up, and I would let you take down any one volume and tell me if you ever rend more telling exhortations and addresses to sinners in any of your own books. Did not Bunyan plead with sinners, and whoever classed him with any but the Calvinists? Did not Charnock, Goodwin, and how we agonise for souls, and what were they but Calvinists? Did not Jonathan Edwards preach to sinners, and who more clear and explicit on these doctrinal matters. The works of our innumerable divines teem with passionate appeals to the unconverted. Oh, sirs, if I should begin the list, time should fail me. It is an indisputable fact that we have laboured more than they all for the winning of souls. Was George Whitfield any the less seraphic? Did his eyes weep the fewer tears or his bowels move with the less compassion because he believed in God’s electing love and preached the sovereignty of the Most High? It is an unfounded calumny. Our souls are not stony; our bowels are not withdrawn from the compassion which we ought to feel for our fellow-men; we can hold all our views firmly, and yet can weep as Christ did over a Jerusalem which was certainly to be destroyed. Again, I must say, I am not defending certain brethren who have exaggerated Calvinism. I speak of Calvinism proper, not that which has run to seed, and outgrown its beauty and verdure. I speak of it as I find it in Calvin’s Institutes, and especially in his Expositions. I have read them carefully. I take not my views of Calvinism from common repute but from his books. Nor do I, in thus speaking, even vindicate Calvinism as if I cared for the name, but I mean that glorious system which teaches that salvation is of grace from first to last. And again, then, I say it is an utterly unfounded charge that we dare not preach to sinners." (Opening of the Metropolitan Tabernacle - a series of sermons on the doctrines of grace)
In the second place we observe from the text that the invitation is very wide — WHOSOEVER WILL, LET HIM TAKE THE WATER OF LIFE FREELY." How wide is this invitation! There are some ministers who are afraid to invite sinners, then why are they ministers! for they are afraid to perform the most important part of the sacred office. There was a time I must confess when I somewhat faltered when about to give a free invitation. My doctrinal sentiments did at thee time somewhat hamper me. I boldly avow that I am unchanged as to the doctrines I have preached; I preach Calvinism as high, as stern, and as sound as ever; but I do feel, and always did feel an anxiety to invite sinners to Christ. And I do feel also, that not only is such a course consistent with the soundest doctrines, but that the other course is after all the unsound one, and has no title whatever to plead Scripture on its behalf. There has grown up in many Baptist churches an idea that none are to be called to Christ but what they call sensible sinners. I sometimes rebut that by remarking, that I call stupid sinners to Christ as well as sensible sinners, and that stupid sinners make by far the greatest proportion of the ungodly. But I glory in the avowal that I preach Christ even to insensible sinners — that I would say even to the dry bones of the valley, as Ezekiel did, "Ye dry bones live!" doing it as an act of faith; not faith in the power of those that hear to obey the command, but faith in the power of God who gives the command to give strength also to those addressed, that they may be constrained to obey it. But now listen to my text; for here, at least, there is no limitation. But sensible or insensible, all that the text saith is, "Whosoever will, let him come and take the water of life freely."(Sermon on Revelation 22:17 entitled: 'Come and Welcome' 1859)
JAMES A. SPURGEON (19th Century English Baptist preacher. Brother of CH Spurgeon)
"And again, there is a positive overture of mercy, a true and faithful declaration of good tidings unto every creature, and we do believe that it is our duty to preach the Gospel unto every creature, and the Gospel runs thus — "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, for he who believeth and is baptised shall be saved." That overture we hold to be no mockery, but made in good faith, and that overture is not the overture of a shadow. But the presentation of solid, substantial blessings; and for the rejection of that, not God, but man is answerable, and for the rejection of that he will be lost. "For this is the condemnation, that they have not believed on him whom God hath sent." Opening of the Metropolitan Tabernacle - a series of sermons on the doctrines of grace by the brother of its pastor: C.H. Spurgeon.
GEORGE SWINNOCK (17th Century English Puritan Preacher and Author)
"Ponder how universal his offers of grace are. Jesus Christ, with all his merits, are tendered to all. The proposals of divine mercy and love are general and universal. 'Go preach the gospel' observe 'to every creature. He that believeth shall be saved.' 'Ho every one that thirsteth,' Isaiah 55:1 'If any man' let him be poor or rich, high or low, 'thirst, let him come to me and drink' John 7:37 It is a great encouragement that, in the offers of pardon and life, none are excluded: why then dost thou exclude thyself. 'Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden,' Matthew 11:28. Mark, poor sinner, 'all ye' Art thou not one of that all? Is not thy wickedness thy weight and thy corruption thy burden? Then thou art called particularly as well as generally. Jesus Christ taketh thee aside from the crowd, and whispereth thee in the ear, O poor sinner, that art weary of the work and heavy laden with thy weight of sin, be entreated to come to me; I will give thee rest. Why doth thy heart suggest that that he doth not intend thee in that call? Doth he nor, by that qualification, as good as name thee? Ah, it is an unworthy, a base jealousy, to mistrust a loving Christ without the least cause." (Heaven and Hell Epitomised. Works of Swinnock BOT Vol 3 p.352-353)
GEOFF THOMAS (Contemporary Welsh Preacher and Banner of Truth associate)
"But ours is a message of hope. The gospel is good news for all the nations, or as the ancient Markan ending phrases it, "for every creature." In other words, we can go to every human being and say to him, "I have good news for you," good news individually and personally. As we look down from the pulpit on our congregations we must think to ourselves, "Today I have good news for everybody here." We may have no doubt about it at all. People who listen to us aren't permitted to protest, 'But I am not a religious person.' "Whoever you are, whatever condition you are in, to every single individual, there is good news. If you are Bunyan's man in the iron cage, despairing because the day of grace is past there is good news for you. Or if you are a man who thinks he has sinned the unforgivable sin, there is good news for you in this great word of God." (Message on Preaching - the Message)
WILLIAM TWISSE (16th Century English Theologian. Involved in the Westminster Assembly)
"And whereas, in the last place, it is said, that the Reprobates cannot obtain this grace of God, although it be offered to them in the Gospel, this either hath no sobriety, or being brought to a sober sense, is utterly untrue. And nothing but the ambiguous notion of grace serves their turn, and gives them liberty to prate they know not what. For as for faith itself, that is not offered at all in the Gospel; men are called upon to believe, and promised, that upon their faith, they shall obtain the grace of remission of sins; & salvation; and these graces may be said to be offered unto all, upon condition of faith; but faith itself in no congruity, can be said to be offered; though by the preaching of the Gospel, the Lord works faith in the hearts of whom He will; as it is said, that He will have mercy on whom He will and whom He wills He hardeneth. But as for [per]suasion & exhortation unto faith, this grace the reprobates in the Church of God are partakers of, as well as God's elect." (The Five Points of Grace & Predestination Defined and Defended by the Procurator of the Westminster Assembly )
"He commands them (ministers)to preach promiscuously unto all, persuade all, exhort all, unto faith and repentance" (W. Twisse" The Riches of God's Love" pp. 73 and 169)
BISHOP JAMES USSHER (17th Century Irish Puritan and Scholar)
"The matter of our redemption purchased by our Saviour Christ lieth open to all, all are invited to it, none that hath a mind to accept of it, is excluded from it. “The beautiful feet of those that preach the Gospel of peace, to bring glad tidings” of good things to every house where they tread. The first part of their message being this peace to this house. But, unless God be pleased out of his abundant mercy “to guide our feet into the way of peace,” the rebellion of our nature is such, that we run headlong to the “ways of destruction and misery, and the ways of peace do we not know.” They have not all obeyed the Gospel, all are not apt to entertain this message of peace, and therefore, though God’s ambassadors make a true tender of it to all unto whom they are sent, yet “their peace only resteth on the sons of peace,” but if it meet with such as will not listen to the motion of it, “their peace doth again return unto themselves.” The proclamation of the Gospel runneth thus: “Let him that is athirst come,” for him this grace is specially provided, because none but he will take the pains to come. But lest we should think this should abridge the largeness of the offer, a quicunque vult, is immediately added, and “whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely:” yet withal this must be yielded for a certain truth, that it is God who must work in us “to will and to do of his good pleasure;” and though the call be ever so loud and large, yet none can “come except the Father draw him.” (The true intent and extent of Christ's death and satisfaction upon the Cross.)
(17th Century Presbyterian Confession of Faith)
"Are the elect only effectually called? Answer: All the elect, and they only, although others may be , and often are, called by the ministry of the word, and have some common operations of the Spirit, who, for their wilful neglect and contempt of the grace offered to them, being justly left in their unbelief, do never really come to Jesus Christ.") (Larger Catechism Question 68)
What is effectual calling? Answer: Effectual calling is the work of God's Spirit, whereby, convincing us of all sin and misery, enlightening our minds in the knowledge of Christ, and renewing our wills, he doth persuade us to embrace Jesus Christ, freely offered to us in the gospel. (Shorter Catechism Question 31)
H. WITSIUS (17th Century European Theologian and author)
"This (Gospel) call contains the command of faith by which all men without exception, to whom God vouchsafes the same, are enjoined to believe in Christ, in that way and manner which is revealed in the Gospel: 'look unto Me and be ye saved all the ends of the earth': Isaiah 45:22" (Vol. 3, p. 353)
JEROME ZANCHIUS (17th Century European Theologian and author)
"Nor is the Gospel to be preached only, but preached to every creature, i.e. to reasonable beings promiscuously and at large, to all who frequent the Christian ministry, of every state and condition in life, whether high or low, young or old, learned or illiterate. All who attend on the ministrations of Christ's ambassadors have a right to hear the gospel fully, clearly and without mincing. Preach it says Christ (Mark 16:15) publish it abroad, be its cryers and heralds, proclaim it aloud, tell it out, keep back no part of it, spare not, lift up your voices like trumpets." (Absolute Predestination p.104 Sovereign Grace Book Club)
"Are the elect only effectually called? Answer: All the elect, and they only, although others may be , and often are, called by the ministry of the word, and have some common operations of the Spirit, who, for their wilful neglect and contempt of the grace offered to them, being justly left in their unbelief, do never really come to Jesus Christ.") (Larger Catechism Question 68)
What is effectual calling? Answer: Effectual calling is the work of God's Spirit, whereby, convincing us of all sin and misery, enlightening our minds in the knowledge of Christ, and renewing our wills, he doth persuade us to embrace Jesus Christ, freely offered to us in the gospel. (Shorter Catechism Question 31)
H. WITSIUS (17th Century European Theologian and author)
"This (Gospel) call contains the command of faith by which all men without exception, to whom God vouchsafes the same, are enjoined to believe in Christ, in that way and manner which is revealed in the Gospel: 'look unto Me and be ye saved all the ends of the earth': Isaiah 45:22" (Vol. 3, p. 353)
JEROME ZANCHIUS (17th Century European Theologian and author)
"Nor is the Gospel to be preached only, but preached to every creature, i.e. to reasonable beings promiscuously and at large, to all who frequent the Christian ministry, of every state and condition in life, whether high or low, young or old, learned or illiterate. All who attend on the ministrations of Christ's ambassadors have a right to hear the gospel fully, clearly and without mincing. Preach it says Christ (Mark 16:15) publish it abroad, be its cryers and heralds, proclaim it aloud, tell it out, keep back no part of it, spare not, lift up your voices like trumpets." (Absolute Predestination p.104 Sovereign Grace Book Club)
In your free offer quotes, what you attribute to Abraham Kuiper [i.e. Kuyper] is actually found in R. B Kuiper's book, For Whom Did Christ Die? (Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2003), p. 86.
ReplyDeleteAppreciate you dropping by, Tony, and the additional information which you supply.