Tuesday 2 July 2013


Henry Morris – Institute for Creation Research

“Based on this literal and contextual approach, the notes become what one might call Baptistic in ecclesiology,  pre-millennial in eschatology, non charismatic in pneumatology and moderately Calvinistic in soteriology.” (Introduction to his Defender’s Study Bible”)

A sample of Dr Morris’ “moderate Calvinism” may be seen in his comments on Ephesians 1:11

"In fact he works all things - even evil things - according to his own will. If it were otherwise, He would not be omnipotent. The fact that he allows evil, when He could prevent it if He so chose, and the fact He allows Satan and wicked men to perform and instigate evil actions, knowing when He created them that they would do this, yet creating them anyway, can only lead to the conclusion that God is the ultimate cause (though not the immediate cause) of evil, as well as good. This conclusion would seem to compromise His perfect holiness, but any other conclusion would lead to the still more unthinkable denial of His omnipotence and thus deny that God really is God!" (Comments on Ephesians 1:11)

(Note: In saying that “God is the ultimate cause…of evil, as well as good…” HM is not teaching that God is the author of evil. This is why the learned doctor qualified the statement with the words “though not the immediate cause”. All Theists believe that God is the ultimate cause of everything because nothing would be or nothing would happen, had not God created, in the beginning, the heaven and the earth.  Notice how HM rightly uses the words “allow” and “permit” in relation to sin. This is not “verbiage” as has been charged in some quarters.)


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